Chapter 5: A visitor

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"Hey mom."  Lily greeted her mother as she walking to the room.

"Lilian?" Hailey called out. "Oh my goodness. I haven't seen you in months Lily."

"Sorry about that.."

"You better be. Now come over here." Hailey told her.

"I've missed you Lily.." Hailey said as she embraced her daughter.

"I've missed you too mom." Lily replied as she rubbed her moms back.

Stan stood in the corner of the room. He watched Lily talk to her mom. He felt like he didn't belong in that room. It was almost like be was invading their privacy.

"Who's your friend?" Hailey asked.

"Oh, mom that's Stanley. Stanley this is my mom Hailey." Lily introduced the two.

"Your very quiet Stanley." Hailey said.

"I'm just thinking about something ma'am." Stanley reassured.

"And your polite. Lily he's a keeper." Hailey said. Stan's face turned red.

"Mom we aren't dating. Stanley's only a friend." Lily explained.

"Just a friend? Are you sure." Hailey asked.

"I'm positive mom."

"Don't come to me when you two start dating." Hailey said.

"I won't. Because it's not gonna happen." Lily chuckled.

Hailey was about to say something when a nurse came into the room.

"Excuse me, Lilian Peterson, I need to speak with you." The nurse said.

"I'll be right back mom." Lily said before she walked out of the room.

"Mrs. Peterson, I regret to inform you, but Mr. Peterson has notified the hospital and said he would like to stop paying for your mother treatment. So unless you or someone else pays for it, we are going to have to stop the treatment." The nurse said.

"He can't do that. He promised he would take care of her." Lily cried out.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Peterson. There is nothing I could do. I'd recommend spending as much time as you can with your mother." The nurse suggested.

"I'll have a talk with my father. How much longer is he paying for?" Lily asked.

"He has paid in advance for around 6 months so after those 6 months we are stopping the treatment. I apologize once again for the inconvenience." The nurse said before walking away.

Lily could feel the tears in her eyes. She wipes  the tears away and put on a smile before returning back into the room.

"Welcome back Lily." Hailey said.

"I hope she didn't pester you too much Stan." Lily said.

"Nope, she's good." Stan reassured.

"It's almost 7. We should go." Lily spoke. "Bye mom. I'll see you again this weekend."

"Bye lily, bye Stan." Hailey said.

"Goodbye Mrs. Peterson." Stanley said.

"Oh and Stan, please walk Lily home. It's dark out and I don't want anything to happen to her."

"Will do Mrs. Peterson."

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