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"Speak of devil and he comes" Sunoo mumbles enough that the four of them hear him properly.

"Baby he is still sleeping" Jimin informed him as jungwon came close to him and gives him the morning hug.

"Morning eomma, Morning appa"
"Morning baby so can i know what brings you here at the early morning" He asked.

"Ahh- Yah! Jeon Sunoo What are you doing here! After telling me to come over at your house, huh?" He said Irritatedly

"Ahh about that sorry wonie i forgot" Sunoo smiles nervously. He really did forgot that last night he called him to come early at home but he himself wanted to go at Sunghoon no doubt he really missed him so much so before coming over he didn't think about jungwon.

"It's okay, but don't call me wonie" Before he even complete his sentence-

"ONLY JAY-HYUNG CAN CALL ME THAT" All of them said together After saying that they start laughing because they knows very if anyone call him Wonie he didn't wait any second and made them correct themselves.

"Appa, they're making fun of me" He said as he went close to Where Yoongi was sitting complaining him.

"Who is making fun of my baby" They all turn there heads as Jay was walking downstair while adjusting his watch on his wrist.

Jungwon said loudly as he runs to his arms who had opens his arms for him already like always.

"Hyung, I missed you" He said while hugging him tightly.

"Hoonie, look at them they're acting like they didn't meet for ages" Sunoo said to Sunghoon as he make his face disgusting.

"I can hear you, you know Sunoo" Jungwon said as he let go Jay but Jay Didn't.

"So what? You think I'm scared of you?" Sunoo asked as he was ready for the third world War.

"Jay-hyung see they are making fun of me" Jungwon said as he pouts. That made Jay kiss him so bad.

"Yah! You brat how can you make fun of my baby huh?" Jay scold him like some parent scolding there kids. Which to that Sunoo Make more Disgusting face.

"What can I do Jay-hyung when your is baby is the Fun" Sunoo said and laughs loudly. That make him choke in food that Sunghoon feed him Early.

"Oh, petal Slow down don't speak when you're eating" Sunghoon said Worriedly as he pats him on his back softly.

"Give him Water, Sunoo eat slowly baby" jimin said as he pass the Glass full of water to Sunghoon.

"So what about the party You guys throwing tonight" Jimin said as he himself settled him on the chair, on other side Jungwon and jay where also settled themselves.

"I think it's gonna be here right Sunoo hyung?" Jungwon asked.

"Yeah, I think you are right but let me call jake hyung first" He gets up for making a call to Jake as quickly he stands up Sunghoon holds his hands.

"Where are you doing?" He asked.
"To call Jake hyung that where's he gonna throwing the party, and my phone is upstair" He said looking at Sunghoon.

"Here Call him through my phone he won't let you Go anyway at least not today" Jay said as he passed his phone to Sunoo who gladly accepted it. Because he knew firstly, he didn't see and meet Sunghoon like almost two weeks. Secondly morning Sunghoon is so clingy. Thirdly if he didn't see Sunoo even for a second he's gonna be sulky all day and only Sunoo can handle him not even his mother and father.

On call

"Hyung Where are you going to have a party tonight because almost everyone is here at only you and lee brothers are not here"


Call ended

"What did he say?" Sunghoon asked as he settle his chin on Sunoo's Shoulder.

"He said he and Heesung hyung are on their way here already and about niki, he will call him when everyone comes here" He said and everyone nodded aas he move his head toward Sunghoon Who was pouting cutely which Sunoo found adorable.

"Why, still sulky? What did I do?"

"Nothing" Sunghoon answered as he moved back a little. Sunoo Signed and smiles

"So it's final everyone gonna be here, oh firstly call niki that poor boy didn't know anything" Jimin said as he stands up Yoongi also gets up with him.

"Okay, everyone I'm also heading to the office take care" He said and give jimin a goodbye kiss.

"And Yes You Too, Park Jay and Park Sunghoon You have to come office today we have a important meeting" He informed his childs and was about open the door then Jungwon said.

"Appa~~ can't meeting delay to another day? I want to spend time with Jay-hyung" He Whines. And Holds Jay's hand tightly not wanting to let go.

"Yes, Yoonie let them free today, even so they go office everyday" Yoongi looked at jungwon first who is making me cute face and then Sunoo who is also pouting. He Signed

"Okay then, as you say" Yoongi answered to jimin. As fast Jungwon heard that he runs to him.

"Appa, I love you" Yoongi smile showing his gummy smile and hugged him back.

"Me to Appa, Saranghae" Sunoo said as he Wanted to Hug him also but Sunghoon didn't let him. And Stood there smiling watching them.

"Yeahh! How can you say that I love you to someone in front of me" He Asked in submission.

"Hyung! Are you serious?" Instead of answering him he questions him.

"What do you think? " Sunghoon says while raising his eyebrows.

"No!" Sunoo answered simply.
"Yah! You brat!" Sunghoon said and hold him tightly as Sunoo was trying to escape. He started to tickles him. On which Sunoo start laughing.

"Hyung, ahh! Hoonie Hyung sorry" He said trying to free himself from Sunghoon.


"Ya niki-ya You're doing it wrong over and over again" Sunoo said as he got irritated.

"Ayy, Hyung I'm not doing it wrong this Game is really hard actually, but whatever I won't playing it anymore" he replied and gets and grabbed his phone from table and sat himself on Couch beside jake.

"What a loser you're Nishimura Riki, I had tell you atleast 10 time almost but you still did wrong" Jungwon said looking at him Who already got busy on his phone.

"Right" Sunoo said showing his hand to Jungwon for highfigh. To that Jungwon gladly accept.

"EVERYONE DINNER IS READY" Jin shouts from the kitchen to inform everyone.

"Yeahh, letchugooo" jungwon answered as he gets up Hurriedly and start going there Where's his mom's voice come.


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