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"Eomma" Jungwon voice rang through the house as he was walking downstair looking for jimin.

"Yes, won" jimin smiles as he looked up waiting for Younger's answer.

"Jay-hyung " He asked pouting as he rubbs his eyes with back of his hand.

"Baby he left early." Jimin answered and mentally slap himself as he knows what's coming next.
After hearing what jimin said jungwon throw the pillow harshly on the floor that he was holding. Jimin gulp nervously as he was already ready what was coming next. But Before something happened he grabbed the phone that was laying on the couch and start contacting Jay.

"Eomma!" Oh God Why! jimin sigh deeply as his sweat drops.

"Y-Yes, Darl-"

"Eomma Hoonie-hyung?" Sunoo asked as he also walk down. Passing by he look at jungwon who's looking hundred percent angry? Sad? Maybe upset he thought.

"H-he, T-they-" jimin couldn't complete his sentence-

"Oh Mom what are you doing here" Sunoo said as he look at the front door opening and relieving Taehyung.

"Oh God Taehyung, I'll always be thankful to you for this" Jimin tells and Sighs before giving Taehyung a warmly hug.

"What's happening here? Seokjin-hyung didn't come yet? Oh jungwon Baby what happened why are you looking so sad" Tae Said as he was still confused what is happening here.

"Jay isn't here he left in the early morning" Jimin informed Taehyung slowly,

"Mom, Dad is doing okay?" Sunoo asked blocking the conversation between Jungwon and Taehyung as he sits himself on the couch.

"Yes perfectly fine, thanks to you for atleast asking" Taehyung answered mostly taunting. And received a irritated face from his son. Moving his head he looked at jungwon again who's eyes are starting watery. He went to him and hugged him tight patting his back.

"Yah, jimin-ah call that son of yours." he blurted loudly. In return get a nervous smile from him.

"Mom you never did this to me when I get sad." Sunoo said sulkingly and received a glare from his mom.

"Please shut up, will you." Taehyung said. Sunoo role his eyes dramatically.

"I already did." Jimin answered to Tae.

"Hello everyone! Handsome seokjin is here" Seokjin said flipping his hair. As he walked in closing the door behind him.

"Firstly take good care of your son then do this kind of modeling Yang seokjin" Taehyung said eyeing him head to toe. Seokjin stop doing whatever he was doing and looked at them before saying,

"Ask him first? am I his mom did he even stay with me at his own house not much but atleast only three days? Ask him" Seokjin asked titling his head questioning.

"What kind of Mom are Seokjin hyung?" Jimin asked Annoyingly.

"Oh Shut up" he answered and walk towards jungwon who was looking down. But before he even say anything Jungwon turn around harshly going upstair tapping his foot loudly, entering in his room I mean yeah Jay's room he shut his door loudly.

"Yahh, look at this kid Yah you, YANG JUNGWON Comeback here before-"

"Hyung please don't, I don't know but he isn't having it in past days jay has Comeback from UK yesterday, and still didn't staying at home mostly and you already knew jungwon will survive without eating, but without jay" Jimin said trying to make Seokjin calm down because his anger is another level.

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