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All we did till now is how these family lives together happily. But how did they get together? How did their friendship start from? Who fell first Sunoo? Jay? Sunghoon? Heeseung and others?
For finding this out start reading from here.....

[I mean let's talk about past]

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"Pwetal"the four years old small boy murmured as he stare intensely with his Doe eyes at the two weeks old small baby that was sleeping inside his Crib peacefully and his little murmuring seem to catch the attention of the tWo Best friends inside room Mrs Jeon and Mrs Park who just gave birth two weeks ago.

"Sunghoon darling, his name is Sunoo." Jimin smile warmly at the boy but he stare confusedly at his friend when he receive
glare in return from the four years old boy.

"Nwo he pwetal". little Sunghoon interject firmly in the most serious tone he could muster up surprising his mother and Taehyung because this is the very first time Sunghoon is arguing with his mom.

The two males look at each other confusedly while the small boy that is now known as Sunghoon turn his attention back to the sleeping baby, hours passed and the small baby was still asleep but it's already late so jimin get ready to leave and finally call his son that have been staring at small Sunoo for hours now.

"Sunghoon let go home, your appa must be at home right now " he call softly but Sunghoon ignore him and keep staring at Sunoo which causes the man to be surprised once again as he was already shocked with Sunghoon's concentration on Sunoo for the
past hours.

"Sunghoon ? Hoon? Baby?" he ask several times but no respond which lead him to walk closer to the boy and tap his shoulder only to have a son turn to glare at him again.

"it's time to go home sweetheart" Jimin mumble softly patting Sunghoon's head but he really didn't expect the boy to shakes his head as a no.

"You don't want to go home ?"jimin asked again and he look up defeated when little Sunghoon nods his head once again without looking away from Sunoo for a second.

Taehyung walk closer to them and also try to convince Sunghoon but he stubbornly refused to leave the small bean side.

"What are we going to do now " Jimin ask to his friend helplessly.

"I think he just like the baby, don't worry let him stay here tonight I will bring him tomorrow morning" Taehyung smile and Jimin nod and finally bid byee to Sunghoon who didn't give a single glance at him.

"Sunghoon darling I will be downstairs , call me when Sunoo wake up "Taehyung smile
at him but Sunghoon turn to her with a firm look once again.

"He ish pwetal "he pout cutely and the man laugh nervously and excuse himself from the room.

Sunghoon turn back and poke the baby bread cheeks with his index finger softly, smiling to himself when the baby scrunched his nose.

"Cwute Pwetal Hoonie lubs you so much and Hoonie will protects Pwetal Everytime." he told himself determined.

Jungkook and Yoongi are the founder of PJS cop. which is the biggest business enterprises in whole Korea follow right by PARK enterprises which was own by Park Jay and Park Sunghoon.

Someone will think maybe it will develop hatred among them but that is not it. Those are who also support them and became close with Lee's and Yang's.
These families are so close to each other that sometimes you will mistaken the relationship between them.

Jimin and Taehyung get married the same day since they were best friend since high school and their husbands happen to be best friends also.

Jimin gave birth to small cute adorable boy six years ago and give him a amazing name PARK JONGSUNG and after two years born the GREAT PARK SUNGHOON. Taehyung also had two kid the elder JEON JAEYUN and JEON SUNOO whom he give birth two weeks ago.

Taehyung walk downstairs after leaving Sunghoon in the room with Sunoo, he saw his husband Jeon Jungkook reading news paper and take a seat beside him.

"Hey darling how is my little one" he smile at Taehyung who sighs tiredly.

"He is still sleeping and Sunghoon is with him "he replied shorty.

"But I saw jimin leaving earlier" Jungkook asked surprised because Sunghoon never stay somewhere if his mother is not there.

"Yeah, he said he won't leave Sunoo so he is inside with him" Taehyung replied with another sigh.

And Jungkook was about to reply when Sunghoon shout from upstairs.

"Uncle Tae! Pwetal cwring" Sunghoon yells starting the two olders causing Taehyung to chuckle amusingly.

He enter in room back and saw Sunghoon trying to pet the crying baby.

"Pwetty Pwetal dwont cwy "he murmured softly at the little bean that is busy throwing his tiny fists in the air.

Sunghoon eyes is getting teary just by watching the little bean cries.Tae quickly take the baby in hand and sat down at the edge of the bed before start feeding the baby ,While Sunghoon was staring at him with his Bambi eyes.

The small bean stop crying immediately his mother start feeding him while Sunghoon smile a little showing his vampire tooth. He started playing with the baby small hands.

"Sunghoon darling do you like baby ?"tae asked Sunghoon.

"Nwo Hoonie like no baby but Hoonie Iwike Pwetal "he replied pointing at small Sunoo.

Tae just nods That is the start and the beginning of a very beautiful but not so
peaceful story of Jeon Sunoo and Park Sunghoon.

16 years later

The small little angel turn out to be a very beautiful man with a curve body that have everyone down on his feets but-

Peace was never something you will find with him. Park turn out to really keep up with his words because even after years Sunoo still remain his beautiful angel but
once again Sunoo never peace because according to him. It was never the answer.
Sunghoon also grown up to a very sexy and handsome man with amazing body.

Seem karma haven't fuck with both Park's, Jeon's and others families enough by giving them the bestie's the troublesome and drama queen Jeon Sunoo and what amazing thing is YANG JUNGWON turn out to be his bestfriend like buy one get one free.

How did they survive with a troublesome Sunoo and troublemaker Jungwon?
We can't probably said because go and ask about it to Jay and Sunghoon. They survive only PARK's know how.

Jungwon is full time brat and part time trouble maker.

Thanks to the Park Jongseung that
raised him.



I'm back after 726537729 years later! How are you been ENGENs?

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And please ignore the mistakes and the spelling I miss spelled.

Happy reading

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