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"Hyung can i watch lappy now?" The question asked by Sunoo, eyes shows only innocence.

The time was fall night mostly time for some sleep or rest, when Sunghoon comes up sunoo was already on the bed lying on his stomach and his favourite chocolate in his hands eating like a kid as already he is.

The elder just smiled at younger's adorable behaviour He just loves him so much.

"First freshen up, Princess"
He got near him the younger looked back not really liking the idea of having an early shower, Sunghoon ignored his big sparkle eyes before giving him a long lovely peck and trying to get him a fresh shower.

Some moments later

"Again you're eating this choclate, i just cleaned you up"

When they got freshen together ready to take a long nap or just going to dip in sleep Sunghoon went outside for a talk to jay who comes on the door.

And Sunoo got the Opportunity to eat the rest chocolate which was half missed when he forced to get fresh up.

"What a brat you're Park Sunoo." He finally gets on the bed sunoo again lying on the bed. As Sunghoon drop infront of him to get the better access of the younger who was busy munching the brown chocolate.

"Then just let me do what i want" he sassed unbothered, again winning the battle against his hyung.

"When did i not?" Sunghoon says putting his hand under his palm as he was taking a support of his elbow.

"O Please, you always did." he casually answered busy in his chocolate he had and the way he was eating is better than a kid will eat. That chocolate was firstly all over his mouth then hands also and some were on his nose.

"Okay my bad, I'm the wrong here." he surrender, while Sunoo just smiled at him as well as Sunghoon, He Just Love to spoil his petal and Sunoo just having it all.

"Now time for sleep."

"Lappy?" Sunoo aksed wanting some time to watch his YouTube videos.

"No lappy for today or i will give it a slappy." The younger just huffed.


( ••)


*Ting ting ting*

"Who is it" Jimin asked from the kitchen going to the front door to look who's behind it. It's been a days since they both came from the work or may i say their vacation. It's the evening all was in mansion present there doing there stuffs.

"Oh what a pleasant surprise Hoba!" happiness spells in him as he hug both of them. As he lead them in lisa, Hoseok and there little tail known as Niki.

They sat there comfortably chatting, laughing and talking. Only jimin and yoongi was sitting there while niki was on his phone. He just opened a minute ago. After getting bored sitting alone,

"Where's the kid? All i know is Sunoo's here right?" Lisa asked on which Jimin nodded " ofcourse both of them are here as we just a day or two days ago came. Jay and Hoon are upstairs that's why it's silence here." on his words lisa just laughed out.

It takes some minutes when jay and Jungwon arrived then jimin tells Jungwon to also call other to come down. And now everyone are sitting beside each other those maknaes each sides then the olders.

"So what's bring you here Hoseok-ah?" the point Yoongi asked,

"Well, it's the biggest big news for everyone." he started

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24 ⏰

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