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"Hey Sunoo, " A guy yelled from back while coming toward him.

"Hey" he replied greeted back.

Apart from jungwon Sunoo's friends were hanbin and Daniel also Jungwon's too, their friendship reminds since kindergarten the four of them were the closest friends in the whole university everyone knew them because of their strong friendship some were get jealous too because of how rich they're and perfect.

In Sunoo's list jungwon will be remind the first one his Liver dude. aside Jungwon and Sunoo, They will fight each other all day long, but if someone else does something to even one of them or say something bad then next day Sunghoon and jay any of them will be standing in University's office because at the moment both of them also didn't listen to Daniel and Hanbin too.

"Where's your twin?" Hanbin ask as he didn't seen the cat-eyed one.

"He said..he doesn't wanted to" He answered, shortly. Probably missing the other one. the both of them nodded. As they started walking toward their classes For upcoming lectures.

"Is he okay?" Daniel asked worriedly as this happens only sometimes because if the one don't come the other will also.

"Hmm, he is all good" He answers.

Late at night Jungwon had called him explaining the reason for his absences it was Because Jay was out of country that time that's why he was obeying his wishes.


After the Uni everyone was leaving packing their bag's Sunoo also packed his things and come down with Daniel and Hanbin.

"Hey Sunoo! Mint Chocolat?" A guy asked Showing him ice cream as everyone know his obsession of Mint choco His eye's sparkles and mouth hang open when he sees the ice cream but he close it afterwards when he remembered his Hyungs warning: No Huggs and Cuddles for two weeks if you eat that toothpaste of yours.

He had been warned already so it's better to not eat without His permission. Before he could spoken the guy named Minjae showed the spoon in his mouth, of course Sunoo didn't gulp it down cause it was very first time he was eating from the hand of a another man who was not Sunghoons. He notice that his Friends chuckled at his rection so he gulp down as he melted on the taste so quickly.

But he didn't notice that someone also saw that. Whatever happened there.


"Oh Driver Ji-Ho Didn't Eomma tell you that Hoonie-hyung will come to pick me up?" He asks sitting down at the back seat of the car.

"Yes he did, but some work comes up so Mr.Park told me to pick you up." Driver Ji-Ho explained before starting the engine Sunoo nods hearing the answer he felt a bit sad Because Sunghoon had promised him that he will pick him up.


It was Dark everyone's dinner was done already. Sunoo was in Sunghoon's room rolling all over the bed as he was bored of phone, T.V even every person live in the House. Sunghoon was not in his sight He was feeling everything sad, angry, upset. He was waiting and just waiting since he come back from University.

He was sitting on the Dinning table waiting for Sunghoon as the older didn't had dinner he even made Samgyeopsal & Sushi's for him but there was no sign of the older. That made the younger pout every passing minutes.

After half an hour when the elder come his eyes soften looking at the figure sleeping on dinning table. he removed his coat placing it on the sofa and started getting closer to him. he smiled at his tired petal he remove his bangs gently as he stare at him with heart eyes. Sensing the present the younger eyes opens Automatically as he was not so deep in sleep he move his head finding the one he missed the most today.

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