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Sunoo grunts and scruim in his sleep when he felt something hot press against his cheeks.

It took him time to realise he was laying on Sunghoon's chest and the said male body is hot, too hot. He snapped out of his sleeping
state and press his palm against the older forehead but snatch back his hand instantly.

"What! How did he manage to get fever over the night?"he murmured to himself and he pick Sunghoon's phone from the nightstand calling their family doctor.

After informing the man, he tap the other's shoulder gently trying to wake up.

"Y..eah?"Sunghoon answer groggily opening his eyes a little and met with worry Sunoo.

He try to sit up but seem like his body is too heavy for him to carry.

"Stay still hyung, I called the doctor already. how did you get fever overnight and why are you stressing so much that you got the fever"Sunoo growl angrily making Sunghoon sighs.

"Petal this can happen anytime but nobody is stressing your Hyung so calm down hun, let wait for the doctor and just go ahead and get ready for uni okay" the older of the two said softly but Sunoo only glares at him.

"Im not going anywhere and stop talking" he Huff as he keep placing his hand Over the elder forehead every second.

Soon after the doctor arrived. He checked Sunghoon's health before turning to Sunoo who is gawking like he is ready to jump on the doctor if he did make any mistakes.

The man is used to Sunoo Over protective acts so he just smile softly.

"His fever is not that bad, just make sure he eat something then let him take these medicine and make sure he rest after " The doctor explained to Sunoo who keep nodding his head.

"But what cause his sudden fever?" he asked hoping the man will said it's stress but nope.

"Fever doesn't have to come with causes, we are all human and can be down anytime so just make sure he take those medicine and everything will be fine .call me later for anything I'm out and take care Mr. Park "the man said and excuse himself out before Sunoo can find any question to ask again.

Sunoo did what the doctor said,
cooking a simple breakfast for them before giving the medicine to Sunghoon who take everything without questioning.

"Im gonna put this dishes in the kitchen, I'm coming hyung " Sunoo said as he pack the dirty plates out of the room but didn't waste time entering the room back joining Sunghoon back on the bed.

"Don't come too close Petal, you might catch fever also." Sunghoon said and bold of him to assume that brat will actually listen to him.

Sunoo only scoff and the hug the older body tightly as they both fall asleep once again.


Sunghoon's fever had long gone thanks to God! Doing their morning routine they come down for having light breakfast as Sunoo didn't went to University. All was good until they step down, the met a furious Taehyung who was already glaring at stepping down Sunoo

"Nah that brat can never be my son" Tae said glaring at Sunoo who is avoiding his gazes. Although He was giving his answer to Question that was ask by Jimin.

"You Jeon Sunoo why the hell did you do again." Taehyung glares at the boy that pout cutely.

"I didn't do anything "he murmured but Taehyung still heard him clearly.

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