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"Petal get up" Sunghoon said sweetly to wake his petal up who was sleeping deeply. Eyes were closed innocently, hair was messy falling on his forehead a little pout on his Cherry Lips and that's all was making the elder's view breath taking,

'He smells the sweetest when he was sleeping' Despite having a million things to do, it is very difficult to look away from my sleeping baby. He is like a magnet! He thought Nuzzling his nose to youngers nose he wanted to capture the moment "Watching you sleep peacefully is perhaps the only thing more comfortable than sleep itself.” He said in low voice looking at him so dearly But Before Sunghoon utter any next word the door opens by other side.


"Yes, eomma"

"Didn't he wake up" Jimin ask coming close to Sunoo for checking the boy.

"I was trying" he answers looking at Sunoo Lovingly,

"Then it's okay, if he need to sleep let him and don't let him go uni today" he tells. And Sunghoon nods. Sunoo's body start to shake because of the noises. Sunghoon was sitting in the bed back was on head board but still Sunoo made it on his embrace didn't waking still asleep. As Jimin saw the boy gonna be up soon so he Remind Sunghoon to take best care of the younger and made his way downstair before saying,

"If he woke up come downstair appa is still here" Sunghoon nods as he began to wake Sunoo because it's not to early in the morning.

"Petal get up" He said sweetly in so soft tune as the younger love token cares of by the older this lovingly.

"Baby it's morning" He again said removing his bangs from his forehead kissing on it serval times ,the younger whines as his sleep getting disturb again and again.

"Okay, But gusse what Hyung has a surprise for his petal but only if he get up" Sunghoon stated looking at the younger for some response but the younger refused it Sunghoon admitted it that his plan goes fail but the elder wasn't lying about the surprise he has gift for younger for his petal.

"Okay, then tell when are you going to wake up?" He asked as it is so difficult to handle the ill Sunoo. His hands were placed on the younger's waist caressing it softly as Sunghoon was half sitting and half lying on the bed and the younger was all over his body.

"Hmm~" After asking so much, only he got is 'hmm' Deep sigh were heard in room.

"I should have done it before" he said to himself before getting up picking the boy up in his arms making the boy picked up by him and whines also goes with him. He made him sit beside the sink as the younger was pouting cutely rubbing his eyes with back of his hand ignoring the elder fully.

Sunghoon help him doing the morning routine mostly doing it all by himself the younger just remind silent sitting there after they done Sunghoon pick him up again going to wardrobe choosing some warm clothes for his petal.

"Here" he said handing them to Sunoo asking if it was okay or not.

"No~ white hoodie " He finally Opens his mouth. Looking at the older cause he love white hoodie Correction Sunghoon's hoodie most of all.

"So what is this? It is also a hoodie?" Sunoo didn't answer just looking at him silently. Sunghoon Sighs before going to grab the 'white hoodie'

"This?" He asked but the younger was looking at somewhere else not giving any response. Sunghoon drops the clothes on bed he was holding and again picks him up before going to his wardrobe.

"Now tell, what you want to wear " he asked looking at the boy who was just staring saying nothing GOD the stubbornness!

"Petal" Sunghoon asked little highly. As the boy in his arms just point on one of his Hoodie. Sunghoon grab it going back to make him wear the clothes. After the Younger changed his clothes They were ready perfectly for going downstair.

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