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School had been done about 4 hours ago. Tired from the day, she went home to rest yet could only lay down shortly before she had to head out to her usual dojo.

Training that day had been 3 hours long, the present time now being 7:30. as she was leaving the dojo, she met up with Himari whom stayed late at school to finish some club leader duties.

"Yuza, youre drenched!" She exclaimed, running to her friend that stood next to the school gate still wearing her dobok.

"Tell me something I don't know. You have a waterbottle? Gimme a sip!" Yuzana pleaded desperately, she looked as if someone had sprayed her face with a hose. Her hair was completely flat and droplets rained down her face.

"No way! Youll drown the whole thing down youre throat!" Himari objects, walking off ahead of her friend.

Yuzana's knees were weak as she dragged a duffle bag full of sparing gear on her shoulder.

"Himariiii! So what am i supposed to do?!" She whined, catching up. She walked beside her friend before looking back in confusion to see she had abruptly stopped.

Her friend pointed across the street, "Go to the convenience store. Get me a milk coffee too! You didnt get me one at school." She explained, shifting her weight to her right as she crossed her arms.

Yuzana groaned, remembering she had forgotten the deal, "Okay, okay." She sluggishly crossed the street and entered the convenience store.

She waved to the cashier that spared a hello and quickly went to the drink aisle, desperately searching for a bottle of water before the chocolate milk had crossed her mind.

She grabbed one, examining it, "Yes! It's a cold one too!" She whispered to herself excitedly, grabbing any brand of milk coffee after, not even sparing a look at the brand as she went to the cashier to pay.

The worker took the items, asking her if she was a member to their shop whereas she replied no.

"That'll be 330 yen." He said.

Yuzana nodded, opening up her spar bag and searching through one of it's discreet pockets for her wallet. When she successfully located it, she had begun to bring it out of her bag.

Until she was knocked into a shelf of gum beside her.

The teen was pissed off, she was sweaty, thristy, and her knees could barely support her. Her muscles ached, adding more onto the pain as she was just man handled into a shelf of gum.

She turned around to face what had bumped into her, being met with a dumb short blonde,


"Oh it's you! From takemichy's school!" He said, a foolish smile widening on his face.

'Mother fucker.' The angered girl thought, collecting her angered breath and wallet that had been thrown on the floor a few feet away.

The girl went to retrieve her wallet, standing where she had prreviously stood as she ignored mikey's presence.

The boy leaned next to her as she paid for her things, "You do Karate?"


"Why? This is Japan."

"Why not?"

The boy laughed, looking around the shop as his body stood in place, fingers tapping on the cashier table.

"Say, I never got your name." His head looked at Yuzana's.

The girl paused, putting her wallet away and grabbing the drinks in her hands.

"It's Yuzana."


"Don't call me that, it's disgusting."

"Oh." The boy closed his mouth, pushing himself away from the counter as he put his arms behind his head, "We should spar sometime, Yuza-chin." He smiles.

The girl tilts her head as she was taken aback from the straight forward proposal, "Sure, if youre up for it." She shrugs, pushing open the store door with her side as she met up with Himari who sat at a table infront.

"Finally! What took you so long?" She complains, turning her phone off.

"Ran into a nobody." is all she replied, sighing.

Himari gave a confused, "huh?" as she rose from her seat, grabbing her milk coffee, "Thanks."

Her friend nodded, opening her water as the both of them continued their walk to the train station.


✓ NEVER LEAVE YOU LONELY, s manjiroWhere stories live. Discover now