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Yuzana's mouth was agape, staring in disbelief, was he serious...? What the hell?

Draken slammed his head on the wall beside him, burying his face away.

Mikey continued, "Although, Ken-chins pals have to be me and Takemichy's pals..."

Yuzana scoffed, "So I need to be 'pals' with all of you?" she said pointing her hand at every blonde at the table.

"You can't do it? you said anything though~" he pouted looking down with his chopsticks tapping on his plate.

Yuzana looked at draken, only for him to immediately move his eyes way, the same thing when she looked at takemichy.

'damn it.'

she took another sip of her milkshake before answering, "fine."

mikey jumped up, his face of a closed eye smile as he clapped, "great! now we're all pals!" he cheerfully said, taking another mouthful of his food.

the black haired girl sighed, drinking the rest of her milkshake as her eyes just dazed around the restaurant.

About 30 minutes later, everyone finished their food and the waitress took the empty dishes.

"What now?" Yuzana asked Mikey, but to her avail there was now answer.

The girl looked the blondes way, only to see him slumped on Drakens shoulder, fast asleep.

"He's sleeping?!" Takemichi said, surprised as there was a person who could fall asleep so fast.

dranken cursed under his breath, turning to his 'pals', "yeah, he always falls asleep after eating." he sighs and gets up, putting Mikey on his back as he stands beside the table, "let's go, I already paid."

The other two rose, following behind the tall blonde out the restaurant as they began another walk to someplace else.

"Where are we going?" the crybaby inquired.

Draken continued looking forward, "we're going to pay our respects."

"to whom?" Yuzana asked, also finding herself curious.

Draken stopped walking, seeing as Mikey had begun to wake up from his short nap.

"i...fell asleep?" he asked despite already knowing the answer as he rubbed his sleepy half lidded eyes.

"yes. Now get off." Draken demanded, dropping the blonde boy to the floor.

"ouch! ken-chin, you're so mean." he pouted, getting up and dusting himself off.

Draken looked back at his friends, "we're going to the hospital."


at the hospital, draken to the lead in talking to the front desk, leading the way when he got approval.

The group stopped at a certain room, looking through the glass.

inside, was a girl who was awfully bruised and unconscious. Yuzana frowned at the poor girl.

"She's been unconscious for five days," Draken said, making both Yuzana and Takemichi turn to him in disbelief.

'Just who had done this to her? and who is she?' Yuzana thought, her hands never leaving her side.

"hey! what are you doing here?!"

an aged voice had yelled through the hallway, seemingly being directed to the group. The teens turned their heads to the side, their eyes immediately being met with a middle aged couple.

"How dare you show up?! leave, now!" the man hollered, swinging his hand in front of him for them to leave.

The woman behind the man tried to get him to calm down, but he didn't listen, continuing his rant.

Yuzana was surprised when she saw Draken bow.

that only caused the man to curse him out more, spewing out insults.

mikey turned to his friend, "ken-chin, don't bow. we did nothing wrong." the blonde says, with a tone of irritation in this voice, "why is this old guy tryna take it out on us, anyway?"

the man only grew angrier, this level of insults increasing as he began yelling out more.

mikey had seemed awfully annoyed, attempting to talk back, but was stopped.

ken-chin grabbed mikey's head, making him bow just as far as he did, "shut your mouth, mikey!" He scolded his friend. The man continued to rant, the teens only listening.

Yuzana felt awkward, so she had begun to bow too, Takemichi being the only standing person beside a row of bowing individuals. He bowed too.

The man had begun to cry as he talked about his daughter, the woman behind him covering her face as she bursted into tears as well. Yuzana couldn't help but feel guilty, even if she wasn't the one at fault.

Finally, the man calmed down, turning around with the woman and grabbing her hand, "please leave, we never want to see you again." as they both trudged away.

The group remained bent 90° forward, Draken being the first to speak as the rest of the group listened in silence.

"we're going to fight Moebius soon. we'll deal with our problems on our own."

"All of our crew have families and people important to them, we can't let innocent people get dragged into this." he paused, "we can't make their families cry."

"you don't have to bow, just make sure you have a heart that cares for others."

Yuzana could feel Takemichi tense up beside her, making the girl look over at the boy.

he had seemed to be in complete thought, worry-some thoughts the girl assumed seeing as he didn't return her gaze.


✓ NEVER LEAVE YOU LONELY, s manjiroWhere stories live. Discover now