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about an hour later, a single doctor leaves the surgery room.

all people fall silent as sweat runs down their anxious faces including yuzana.

"we managed to save his life."

6 words. 6 words were all it took to immediately brighten the mood.

Takemichi screamed with joy as tears quickly took place at the bridges of his blue eyes, everyone around him beginning to celebrate.

Yuzana was eager to join the cheering since  she was just as overjoyed with the results of Drakens' condition.

the lavender colored hair boy spoke, "shut up guys, let's go tell everyone outside the news." he says, unable to stop himself from smiling.

"right!" Everyone responds in sync as Takemichi's loser friend group begins to leave, yuzana following them on their way out.

Yuzana walks closest besides Akkun as she had previously talked more with him then the rest of Takemichi's friends.

The magenta hair colored boy's smile didn't waver not once on their way outside the hospital, he even let out small giggles which made yuzana flinch each time she heard it.

Finally, she asked the question she had been debating to ask, "have you already met all of toman?" she asks the boy.

an unsure look was what she received.

The boy scratched the side of his face as he smiled sheepishly, "no? but I've heard they're really nice, so rest assured yuza!" he says. he then laughed really awkward which made yuzana begin to distance.

"Wait, yuzana?"

hearing her name again, she turned her attention back to akkun, "yeah?"

his face full of genuine confusion, "why are you here? no— when did you get here?"

the girl's eyebrows furrow, "what do you mean? I've been with you guys basically this whole night." she says slowly, her eyes obviously judging akkun in the most obvious way possible.

yuzana freezes.

'don't tell me..'

she quickly puts her hood back on then back off repeatedly as an attempt to hopefully spark a similar image in the loser's head.

which successfully works after a few minutes of him thinking hard.

akkun and his friends around him exclaimed in sync with an, "ohhh"

the purple haired boy slams his left palm into his right hand, "that was you?! i thought that guy was just—"

She slaps Akkuns shoulder, making his body turn slightly as he dramatically places his hand on his shoulder.

she jokingly scoffs and the small group continues their walk out the hospital, "you guys are seriously the dumbest people i've been around."

from about a few 30 feet away through the transparent glass doors yuzana could see a crowd that consisted of about 100 middle schoolers in Toman uniforms.

'I feel bad for their parents.' she thinks to herself, giving a look to akkun who just had that similar dumb dog face he always had on, like nothing was wrong.

As the lavender haired boy opened the squeaky door slowly, all eyes fell on them as they stood silently at the doorway.

all of their bikes looked like they were parked illegally, the delinquent middle schools all with their heads buried in their hands or comforting one another about draken.

a member of roman immediately called out, "it's mitsuya!" which had made everyone's heads snap toward the small group at the entrance and run to them, "how's draken? Is he okay?!"

the boy in which yuzana learned his name was mitsuya smiled widely, holding up a thumbs up, "it was successful!"

The large gang erupts into cheers, everyone hopping around and giving each other hugs as well as punches while saying things like, "I told you so!"

Yuzana sighed and smiled. even though these people were just a bunch of dumb trouble makers that lack manners, it was really worth coming out today, she thought.

The cheering died down, and tears were wiped away as everyone was brought back from cloud 9. Unfortunately, another wave of attention was brought upon yuzana.

"Who the hell is that?" their tones were honestly offensive, but that was what was expected, she was dealing with kid gang members.

akkun steps forward, his tail in between his legs, "she's mikey and drakens friend! she was the one on the scooter!" he explains fearfully as if he would have been punched in the face if he didn't. 

confusion could visibly be seen but their questions were answered. simply, everyone had thought yuzana was a guy. which honestly hurt her pride and made her want to run away and hide herself forever.

Two curly haired boys with pink and blue hair stood beside her closely, one smiling widely as one frowned which rubbed yuzana the wrong way.

"I saw your kicks earlier! they were reaaally awesome!" the pink haired boy compliments her, his smile not once lowering from it's spot as it only grew wider. the blue haired boy nodded.

"Thanks, I got a glimpse of you guys fighting too. you guys throw uhm.. good punches." she tells them, an awkward look on her face as she told them white lies.

'like hell they were. This pink dude had a blast talking about murder. fucking freak.' she curses in her mind, praying for an opportunity to slip away from the situation she was in now.

the pink haired boy just wouldn't shut up, "i'm smiley, and this is my brother angry!" the boy uses his hand to point to himself and the boy on the other side of yuzana.

"i'm yuzana." she smiles.

smiley nudges his arm against hers, "do you plan on joining toman? you really should, it's fun!" the pink haired boy proposes.

she shook her head without hesitation, "nah. im too busy these days, i can't afford to get into trouble." she explains. it was obvious both smiley and angry were disappointed.

"awh, that's too bad."

the pink haired teenager looked as if he wanted to continue talking but he was interrupted by the presence of takemichi who grapped yuzanas shoulder as if he was in a hurry.

the black haired girl turned to him with an aloof look, "what?" she frowned at how he aggressively snatched her shoulder that was sore due to throwing the amount of punches she did today even though she mostly used her legs.

the blonde haired loser catches his breath, his hand not leaving her shoulder as he began, "Yuzana have you seen mikey? i can't find him." takemichi couldn't hide the fact he was worried about him.

✓ NEVER LEAVE YOU LONELY, s manjiroWhere stories live. Discover now