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"I'm going!" Yuzana yelled in the house, telling her family members she was going to school.

she walked outside her house gate, feeling the warm fresh breeze that whooshed past her, making her smile.

again, she stopped by the convenience store as it was her usual morning routine to do so.

she opened the door to the shop, a chime ringing throughout the store as she walked in.

"welcome!" the worker said, Yuzana nodded.

she took long carefree steps, taking her time to decide what to eat for breakfast.

"banana milk?" she picked up the small bottle, looking past it to look at the price set on the shelf.

"nice! it's cheaper today!" she said, carrying it in her hand and continuing her search.

She decided her meal would consist of a premium roll cake that had a soft texture with cream filling.

she took her things and went to the cashier.

"This will be all." she said.

"do you need a bag?"



a mellow voice called her name, making the girl turn her head.


'What's with everyone finding me at convenience stores..?'

the girl sighed, turning back to the cashier, "I told you to just call me by my name. the honorifics sound weird."

Takemichi gulped.

"that'll be 200 yen." the worker implied, pushing her things closer to her on the counter.

Yuzana gave the man the money, took her food, and faced the crybaby that stood so awkwardly next to the door.

"you're not wearing your uniform?"

Takemichi scratched the back of his head, small laughs leaving his mouth.

"Uhm, tha—"

"Takemichi, what's taking so l— Yuza-chin?!"

Mikey had come through the door, stopping immediately when he saw your face.

the crybaby blonde flinched, "M-mikey!"

both boys were in their usual clothing, making things click in Yuzana's head, "you guys are skipping?" she asked.

Takemichi tried to say something but was cut off.

"yeah! we're gonna go play."

Mikey's smile faded shortly before quickly being brought up again, he lazily put his arm on Takemichi's shoulder.

"wanna come with?" He asked.

Yuzana crossed her arms, "my parents would kill m—"

she was cut off as Mikey dragged her outside, being met with the other tall blonde from yesterday.

"Takemichi, go get my dorayaki, we'll stay outside!" he yelled, waving his arms in front of the window to the store, Takemichi nodded.

Mikey turned back around, "Ken-chin, she's gonna come with!" he laughed, letting go of her hand.

Yuzana's head snapped to Mikey, "Hah?! I just sai—"

The leaving chime of the door was heard, Takemichi coming out of the store with a plastic bag.

"I got it, Mikey-kun..!" the crybaby announced, walking closer to the group.

Mikey turned to his friend, "Great! Let's go!"

unconsciously, she had begun following the group of blondes, walking beside them as they chatted, Mikey continuously munching on dorayaki.


The group ended up going to a restaurant and sitting at a booth. Yuzana sat beside Takemichi whilst Mikey sat beside Draken across from them.

She took a look at the menu, but there was nothing special or intriguing of the sort.

she skipped the food and appetizers to look at the drinks, slamming down the menu on the table
immediately as she pointed to a vanilla milkshake that had whip cream planted over it as sprinkles and cherries showered on top.

"this! I want this!" she exclaimed, a big smile on her face.

Mikey laughed, giving her a nod of approval as she smiled gleefully.

A few minutes later when everyone had decided on their orders, the waitress came.

The worker took Mikey's order first, the boy ordered a special deluxe of some kind, Draken ordered a simple burger, you ordered your milkshake, and Takemichi got something small.

The food came rather quickly, Yuzana gasping in awe as her drink was placed in front of her, immediately growling a straw and stabbing it in the cup while drinking it.

"Woah! this is good!" she complimented, the waiter smiling.

while she was enjoying her order, someone was rather angry at theirs..


The yell made everyone at the table turn to the source, Mikey.

"M-Mikey-kun? what's wrong?!" Takemichi exclaimed in worry, leaning closer to the table.

the dumb blonde looked up, his eyebrows creased as he looked as if he was going to cry, "Th-there's no flag!" he complained, kicking his feet under the table, accidentally hitting Yuzana who was far into her own world enjoying her milkshake.

"ACK— WHY ARE YOU HITTING ME?!" she choked, bits of the milkshake going down the wrong pipe from his kick.

Draken turned to Mikey, digging into his pocket, revealing something.

"KEN-CHIN!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!" the boy chimed, snatching the flag out of his friend's hand and stabbing it into his food like how Yuzana had done.

Draken rolled his eyes playfully, unwrapping his burger and taking a bite.

By this time, Yuzana's milkshake was almost finished, her now eating the sweet artificial bright red cherries she saved.

"Yuza-chin, you're paying for that, you know that right?" Mikey inquired as he continued to eat his food, not sparing the girl a glance.

the girl chewed the last bit of the cherry, a frown visible on her face.

"what? you were the ones who literally brought me here." she defended


the girl scoffed, looking into her bag for her wallet.

only to be found with 400 yen, and the milkshake was 665..

she stuffed her wallet back in her bag, 'damn.. I shouldn't have gone to the convenience store.' the thought in regret, going back for another sip of her milkshake. 'Might as well finish it, not much left.' she sighed.

"but, we can make a deal!" Mikey brought up, finally looking up at the girl as he pointed his chopsticks at her.

"Hit me with it. anything."

Mikey smiled, "you see, Ken-chins paying, but he only covers tabs for his PALS. so, if you want him to pay for you..."

"You have to be his pal."


✓ NEVER LEAVE YOU LONELY, s manjiroWhere stories live. Discover now