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the blonde haired loser catches his breath, his hand not leaving her shoulder as he began, "Yuzana have you seen mikey? i can't find him." takemichi couldn't hide the fact he was worried about him.

yuzana shook her head, "i haven't. what's wrong?" she turns to smiley and angry, nodding her head to show them that she was going to talk with takemichi. the twins understood and walked ahead of them.

"I'm worried about him." he tells her, "no matter how strong mikey may seem, there's no way he's okay after this."

she pursed her lips as she ran deep in thought of where mikey could be. a spark had seemed to come to her, so she told takemichi, "let's split up. i think i might know where he might be, but it's just a hunch." she explains, takemichi nods after exhaling a sharp breath.

They both enter the hospital and part their ways down the two separate hallways, yuzana going down the left as takemichi went down the right.

The black haired teenager didn't go to hospitals often, but she was familiar as she'd sometimes go in after getting injured at a tournament or in training.

Her parents weren't strict, but they got worried easily when she'd get injuries that needed check ups in which she was forced outside of her will to spend a few useless nights at the hospital.

She continued walking down the hallways cautiously as she was afraid just walking around with no patient related business would get her in trouble by some hospital staff.

Usually when she spent the night at the hospital, there would be gardens or just benches placed where there weren't many eyes so that patients could enjoy themselves freely. she would often go there.

and since she thought mikey, who was a gang leader of an arguably large gang, he'd have to visit the hospital a lot.

She turned a few more sharp corners, meeting herself with the door to the secluded garden she could see clearly from the transparent doors and open window.

Yuzana took a few slow and quiet steps forward before freezing completely when she heard the faint and familiar noise of sniffling.

someone was crying, and she could immediately tell who it was without even seeing the person.

The black haired girl pondered to herself for a few minutes, nervous about whether she would go outside and comfort the blonde despite how often she had a hard time empathizing with others.

but, it was Mikey, not just some other.

She opens the door cautiously, her worries growing more as the sound of sniffling immediately stopped after the door let out a soft squeak.

she walks outside, turning to her right as she stood face to face with Mikey who was sitting with his knees to his chest just right below the window seal, eyes puffy, and his nose a bright red.


he immediately wiped his eyes and curled his lips into a smile, "what are you doing here?" he asks, his tone the usual bright one he used.

did it hurt his pride that yuzana saw him like this? She was confused about his mood switch, but also upset that he didn't hesitate to mask his true feelings in front of his 'pal'.

"Mikey, you don't have to pretend in front of me." she sighs, stepping closer and taking a seat right beside him, her knees being brought up to her chest in a similar motion.

the blonde plants his face in his hand, "i'm embarrassed." he mutters, rubbing his eyes as his smile grew wider but continued to look inevitably sad.

✓ NEVER LEAVE YOU LONELY, s manjiroWhere stories live. Discover now