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It was the next day, sunday. Yuzana celebrated her win with her tournament team, parents, and the trio of blondes the earlier day, passing out as soon as she got home that night.

Today was the festival. Hinata had gone with her boyfriend or whatever and had invited her to come but Yuzanas legs were awfully sore. She declined many indications to hang out on this peculiar day.

Sundays weren't really any fun, she just dazed around the house, watching tv, eating, and being lazy.

The black-haired teen was in the middle of combing her hair in her bathroom mirror, her nose scrunching up and foul curses leaving her mouth every time she roughly untangled a knot.

By now, it was evening. Yuzana was kinda bummed she didn't do much and school would already be starting again tomorrow. She hadnt even done anything that fun to spend her weekend on, and she was already going back to preparing for finals.

her painful thoughts were wiped out as a smug look appeared on her face remembering the tournament yesterday. She had done fairly well and won neatly. The girl shrugged whilst bragging to herself in her head about getting gold, making scenarios of how famous she'll be once she's on the national team.

her session of combing her hair was interrupted by the sound of her flip phone ringing beside her, taking her by surprise as she let out a yelp.

The girl turned around with a sigh, taking her cell to see the caller ID was Takemichi.

'What more does this loser want?' She thought, her eyebrows creasing as she huffed, blowing a strand of her soft silk hair out her face as she accepted the call and pressed her cell against her left ear.

'am I just that fun to hang out with?' she thought, laughing mentally as the call connected, going back to combing her hair with her free hand.

"what's up, Takemichi?" her voice ran through the line, a couple of sniffles being heard from the boy making Yuzanas ears perk closer.

"Yuzana.." the crybaby began, his voice sounding like he had just finished crying, Yuzana put down the comb at this point, confusion overtaking her.

The girl stayed silent, listening to the boys trembling voice as she turned her head to the window as it had just begun to rain, watching droplets of water slide down the ledge slowly as more began to appear.

"Remember last time? When I asked if you could assist Toman in case of anything bad?" The crybaby says between his short breaths.

The black-haired girl sighs, laying flat on her back on her bed as she continued listening in to the blonde's words.

"You said not to worry, but this... this bad feeling I have isn't normal."

The blonde couldn't help but beat around the bush, his anxiety stopping him from going straight to the point as she swallowed his bit of pride.

"So what do you want me to do, Takemichi? Help you?"

A pause came from the boy as it seemed he was wiping his nose, nothing else but the rain from the other line and the rain outside reached the girls ears for a few seconds.

"Please help me, Yuzana."

The girl's eyes widened at his change of tone. His voice no longer trembled, his crybaby and helplessly weak front being nowhere to be found.

He was serious.


"Huh? Oh. The Festival Parking lot."

The line was cut short after she was informed of his whereabouts as she hurried to put on a oversized grey sports hoodie she had worn earlier today.

Sure, her muscles were sore from her tournament yesterday, but her friend needs her help. What else could she do?

The girl went to her drawers to take a pair of white fuzzy socks that reached higher than her ankle and immediately ran downstairs to her parents.

Her mother was sitting at the near dining table, watching the television whereas the volume took over most of the room.

"Mom, are there any unlicensed vehicles I can use real quick?"

The middle-aged woman separated her warm coffee cup from her lips, giving a confused look at her daughter, "You changed your mind? You're going to the festival with your friends?"

Yuxana nodded, "yeah, something like that."

Her mother smiled, turning herself in her chair away from the table and towards the living room.

"The bike has a flat tire, but we have that scooter you used to always play on as a kid!"

There, across the room was an atrocious piece of junk that maybe would have made Yuzana tear up and burst into tears.

It was princess themed, pink colored all over, the wheels and handle were rusty, and worst of all,

It was less than half her size, reaching lower to her waist maximum.

The girl gagged, pointing to it before looking at her mother, "What is this?! Why haven't we replaced this thing already?"

Her mother shrugged, a small laugh coming from beneath her lips as she took another sip of her coffee, turning her body back towards the table.

Yuzana took the scooter and put on a random pair of black slides, not caring whether they were hers or not. She headed to the door, saying goodbye to her mother at the table;

When the teenager opened and closed the door to her apartment, the television noise was quickly drowned out by the pouring loud rain.

The girl frowned and squinted her eyes, 'damn this weather.'

She put her hood on, making sure to tuck her hair behind her head and beneath her hood to not get it wet.

"Is the festival even still going at this time?" the girl said to herself before shrugging and beginning to ride her awfully small and ugly scooter.


✓ NEVER LEAVE YOU LONELY, s manjiroWhere stories live. Discover now