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Yuzana sat beside Takemichi inside the ambulance, both teenagers looking at draken who laid lazily on the wheeled stretcher.

The nurse paramedics placed a clear cup that suctioned around drakens nose and mouth, providing him with air as his breathing began to stabilize slightly.

Takemichi, paranoid next to yuzana began praying with his hands together and elbows on his knees.

Seeing the blonde worry so much had also bothered Yuzana, not as much as the fact draken was on the verge of dying.

the girl folded her lips into a thin line as she took of her hood due to the uncomfortable humidity inside the ambulance. she turned to takemichi.

"everythings gonna be alright, takemichi." she tells him, the boy looking up with his red sore eyes before a bittersweet smile appeared on his face.

the ambulance fell into silence, the only sound being of the heart beat monitors beeping.

"thanks ..yuzana, takemichy." Draken whispered, his breathing fast as he took pauses to finish his words.

"take care..of Mikey for me."

Both Takemichi and Yuzana's eyes widened as their gaze dart to Drakens now empty eyes which only continued to grow darker.

the heart monitors posted next to draken began to beep loudly, instead of short beeps, this one was long. the paramedics immediately attended to his body as they yelled, bringing the teenagers to panic.

Draken was rushed into a surgery room, Yuzana and Takemichi watching as they pushed him inside and closed the doors behind them, the light shortly changing to red to show they were performing the surgery.

rushed footsteps were heard from the corner before a small crowd of teenagers appeared.

it was the people from earlier, including takemichi's loser friends that helped deal with the last bit of moebius members back at the parking lot.

"Hina.. emma... guys.." Takemichi said, pausing before each name he uttered.

more footsteps were heard as well as a loud call for Takemichi's name.


two frantic teenagers yuzana didn't know were running up to them. both looked as if they had buzz cuts.

one had greenish, grayish pigment to his hair and the others was colored a light lavender which matched his purple eyes.

"how's draken?!" lavender hair colored teenager asked, as he continued to fastly approach the small group with the man beside him.

"mitsuya...peh-yan.." the crybaby blonde said, obviously showing to Yuzana who didn't know most of the people here that they were definitely Takemichi friends.

when they were about 3 feet away from takemichi, they stopped running and supported their weights on their knees as they painted, beads of sweat running down their faces.

Hina took this as a que to give the three a moment to themselves as they seemed to be desperate to catch up on the situation.

the pink haired girl lightly tugged onto yuzana's sleeve, earning a 'hm?' in response.

"Yuza, let's go to the waiting room with the others." she whispers to the black haired girl, immediately earning a nod and small smile.

hinata told the same thing to the yellow haired girl and takemichi's loser friend group with the same hushed voice, all people agreeing and beginning to walk beside each other to the waiting room.

behind them, takemichi was now talking to the pair of anxious boys.

Yuzana stood beside Hina and the other girl as Takemichi's friends stood in a circle among themselves with sad faces.

the black haired teenager's focus quickly went back to the yellow haired girl. Even then back at the parking lot, it was fairly obvious that draken meant a lot to her as she seemed the most in despair compared to anyone else yuzana could set eyes on in the waiting room.

hinata tried her best to comfort and reassure the girl as she just buried her face with her hands.

footsteps were heard which made yuzana look up as she knew for a fact takemichi and that pair of boys were returning.

although there had been an additional pair.

it was mikey.

the rest of the people in the waiting room looked where yuzana did as well, all their eyes slightly widening as they set eyes on the long haired blonde.

he was beaten up, but not awfully bad like takemichi would be on a regular basis. just a few scratches here and there.

Yet, He had no expression and was rather calm.


Mikey slowly walked forward, placing a hand on the yellow haired girl's shoulder as she wasted no time to continue her weeping, hinata going back to comfort her.

mikey stood in the middle of the small crowd of people, his mouth becoming agape as he began to speak.

"He's not gonna die here. He'd never do something so disingenuous." he says, making everyone frown slightly as they continued to listen closely to the long blonde haired boysenberry words.

Mikey turns to face everyone, "believe in ken-chin." he finishes, walking over to the blue cushions as he slowly takes a seat with a small smile.

Everyone knew how much Draken meant to mikey, even Yuzana did despite the fact how little she's known the both of them for.

knowing that mikey would be hurting more than everyone here, he was instead comforting people.

That was just the type of person mikey was.

The small group of people listened to his words as they began to relax slightly, taking seats near mikey as their eyes wandered.

✓ NEVER LEAVE YOU LONELY, s manjiroWhere stories live. Discover now