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Yuzana had started dedicating most of her time at the dojo at the start of the week. she practiced even harder than before as the upcoming tournament would get her a step closer to getting placed on the national team.

She rarely saw Takemichi and his gang friend group nowadays, as her mind was occupied. She kinda missed it though, hanging out and stuff.

the teenager dazed to her left, looking past the students and out the window.

finally, the lunch bell rang.

despite the girl not paying attention the entire lesson, she gets up rather excited, walking over to Hinata's seat.

"Hina, let's go to the cafeteria! I don't feel like just eating bread today."

The pink-haired girl smiled, linking her arms with her friends as they walked out of the classroom that had erupted into chatter.

Yuzana had been awfully quiet as if her mind were to be drifting to someplace else. Usually, she would be talking more than Hinata, splurts of energy coming from her when it was time for lunch, but there wasn't.

This change in behavior caused Hinata to ask Yuzana, "Is everything alright?" She asked her black-haired friend whose eyes widened and lips parted from the sudden question.

"Of course. Im just trying my best so you can see how good I am at the tournament." She laughs, thinking about how proud her pink-haired friend would be seeing her drastic progress.

"Yuza, the thing is..." The teen paused, picking at her nails.

"I can't go."

"What?" Yuzanas eyebrows furrowed as she frowned. Her parents already couldn't make it, and the one person she invited couldn't either?

'Today really isn't my day.' She thought, immediately replacing her frown with a closed eye smile, shrugging, "it can't be helped then. That's okay, Hina."

Hinata let out a reassuring sigh, relieved her friend had taken it far better then she thought she would have, giving her a side hug as she had really felt sorry bailing on her two days before.

"Im sure you'll do great. You always do." the pink-haired teen says, trying to lift up the mood.

"Yeah, im sure I will."



Today was her decided day off, the girl sighed. She walked to the convenience store to get something to eat, almost falling on her way there from her sore leg muscles.

she opened the glass door, her hands in her pocket as her tongue poked the inside of her cheek.

she walked through the aisles dragging her slides with each step, humming to herself a pop song she heard on the radio some random day.

she passed through the sweets aisle to the one next to it, stopping at a shelf of chips.

"which. one. should. i. get?" she said, stopping at each word as she did eenie meenie miney mo on the variety.

her finger landed on the classic potato chips. she just shrugged, not minding it.

she picked up the bag, examining it until she had spotted a hole, groaning with irritation as she harshly shoved it back.

✓ NEVER LEAVE YOU LONELY, s manjiroWhere stories live. Discover now