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Yuzana sat on her bed, her dobok already on underneath a sweater after she had already gotten ready and eaten breakfast.

Her mother sat beside her, bringing the black-haired teen's sparring bag and setting it on the floor as her father was already in the car outside.

"Yuzana, im sorry we can't make it to this tournament, i promise ill make it up to you," her mother says, cupping the girl's face as she frowned, "I know you'll do great. Even if you don't get gold this time, I'll still be proud of you."

The teenager gives a half smile, "I know, I know." She says, picking up her sparring back and slinging it over her shoulder.

The mother nods, "Let's go."

Her parents would only be dropping her off, both of them needing to leave to attend to some business leaving the girl to have to get home on her own.

Yuzana didn't blame them though, she knew they had things going on in their life as well.

The girl nods before walking beside her mother, leaving the house, and settling into the car. Her father turns on the radio, fastening his seatbelt as he begins to drive off.

30 minutes later, the car comes to a stop as Yuzana quickly gets out, going around the car just to halt in front of the driver's window.

Inside was her father, who had his hand dangling out for what seemed like a handshake. His face consisted of a bright smile, "Go take your win, Yuzana. You've trained for this." He says, shaking her hand as she nods in response.

Inside, Yuzana met with her coach and tournament team, chatting with them as her coach added her to the register.

The teenagers all huddled up, practicing their forms and kicks as they talked to their peers, "Yuzana, you're nervous, right?"

Yuzana turned to her friend beside her, "Yeah, I don't think I practiced my form enou--"

She was cut short as the girl next to her slapped her on the shoulder playfully, "You better at least get silver, or coach will give you an earful!" She jokes, laughing with each word she spoke. Their coach would never do anything like that of the sort.

The black hair girl stretches into her splits, her friend doing the same as they continued to talk and laugh.

Half an hour later, the team huddled up once more as Yuzana was preparing to go on the mat to perform poomsae keungang, tidying up her ponytail for the 8th time, nodding repeatedly to the encouraging chants of, "You got this!", "make sure to yell the loudest!","do your best, Yuza!"

As expected, she really did do her best, immediately running over to her team as she explained how nervous she was and watching the video her friend recorded of her form, going over it to see any mistakes. Luckily, there wasn't. She sighed, a smile of relief on her face as she went to go cheer and compliment her teammates, waiting patiently for when she would be called again.

Finally, it was time for her sparring match. The girl was awfully nervous, even after being pulled to the side by her coach for a pep talk about not sweating too much about it and just trying her best.

Her team was on the side, whispering chants and throwing thumps up at her, the girl giving a half smile in return.

Yuzana already had her sparring gear on with her helmet tucked underneath her left arm. the gear must have made her temperature warmer as it felt like she was sweating.

✓ NEVER LEAVE YOU LONELY, s manjiroWhere stories live. Discover now