Set Into Motion

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It was about a week after Bolt had settled into his new home. Him and Penny were sitting on the red couch, watching Hannah Montana on the television that evening.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Penny got up, and opened the front door. Standing before them was another mom, and a dog. However, this dog was strange. It looked like Bolt, but not identical. It was like him, but taller, and a little more slender.

Bolt stared at the other dog with confusion. He looked at the other dogs collar. It was green, with the name "Kyle."

Penny invited the mother in. Kyle walked in too. Pennys mom entered the room, and the two moms began to talk. Penny went upstairs.
"Hi!" said Pennys mom.
"Hello!" replied the other mom.
"Before we have Kyle stay with us, we wanna see how the two dogs get along. You told me Kyle was friendly with other animals." questioned Pennys mom.
"Yep, he is! He gets along with other dogs, loves cats, and doesn't hurt small animals." replied the mom.

Mittens entered the room, and Kyle's tail began to wag. He walked over to her. "Bolt, whos this?" questioned Mittens. Kyle ignored her, and then gently sniffed her nose, before walking into the orange room where Rhino was. He glanced into the cage where Rhino was sleeping, and looked at Rhino, before walking back.

"See, he's really friendly!" said the mother.
"Lets have him here for a little longer, then we'll see if he can stay for the week." responded Pennys mom.
Kyle looked at Mittens and Bolt, before saying "Sorry I didn't introduce myself, but my name is Kyle. I'm not very talkative." "Thats fine, I'm Mittens." "And I'm Bolt." said Mittens and Bolt.

"Ah. Your house is very nice, just like you two." replied Kyle.
"Thanks" said Mittens.
"My owner will be gone for a bit, so I have to stay with you two soon." said Kyle.
"I see" said Bolt.
Kyle laid down on the floor.
"Well, I see now. He can stay with us while you are gone." stated Pennys mom.
"Thank you so much! Ill drop him off tommorrow at eight. Come here, Kyle!"
Kyle walked to the door, following the other mom out. "Ill see you tommorrow, I look forward to being with you two!" said Kyle.
Before Mittens or Bolt could respond, the door shut.

"Nice fellow" said Mittens.
"He looked so much like me, but just a little diffirent." said Bolt.
"He's the same breed as you, Bolt." responded Mittens.
"I can see that, but he's bigger than me, and a little more slender. Must be a slightly diffirent breed."replied Bolt.
Mittens knew that almost all White Swiss Shepherds were large, unlike Bolt. She had seen other ones in New York, but they were never as small as Bolt. She didn't want to tell Bolt that he was "small" as she knew Bolt didn't like being called "small" or "cute".

"Yeah, some dogs are like that." Replied Mittens. Just then, Penny came downstairs, with a suitcase.
Then she put down the suitcase, and walked towards Bolt, with a downcast expression on her face.
She sat down so that she was at the same level as Bolt.
"Bolt, I am sorry for not telling you earlier, but I will be gone for a week." she said.
Bolt's face fell. He didn't want to see Penny go. Ever since his cross country journey, and the studio fire, the idea of being away from Penny terrified him. He never wanted to be seperated ever again.

"I really want to bring you with me, and I know you will be upset about being left behind. My grandparents want to see me, and I haven't seen them in years. They really want to see me again, but they are allergic to dogs. I want you to know that I love you very much, and I always will."

Bolt was very upset. Although what Penny said was meant to cheer him up, it only made him sadder. He began to make sad whimper sounds.
"Awww, its ok Bolt. Ill be alright" stated Penny as she picked him up and hugged him. "I know you will be fine without me, you are a brave boy." stated Penny.
This made Bolt feel a lot better, and he began to wag his tail. Penny put him down, and began walking towards the front door.

Bolt knew he couldn't stop Penny from leaving. As painful as it was to see her leave, he knew it was for the better. He wasn't going to stop Penny from leaving. Penny picked him up one more time, hugged him, and told him that he loved him once again.

Bolt wagged his tail, and watched as Penny and her mom left. He watched them climb into the green Ford Bronco, which pulled out of the driveway onto 25a, driving South towards Anna.

Bolts tail slowly stopped wagging, and he layed down and began to talk to himself. His ears lowered once again. "You are fine Bolty, you will be ok, you will be ok. Remember what Penny said, you are a brave boy." "Yes you are, Bolt." said Mittens.
This startled Bolt. "Thanks, Mittens." he replied.
Mittens had noticed how distraught Bolt was. She hadn't seen him this upset since Bolt had walked out of the studio when Bolt thought Penny no longered cared about him.

Mittens knew she had to cheer him up. She walked upstairs and into Pennys room, where she found Mr. Carrot under the bed. She carried it downstairs to where Bolt was still laying in the living room. She then sqeezed the orange carrot, and it released a sqeak. Bolts ears perked up, and he turned around and ran towards the carrot and picked it up.

"Mr. Carrot!" he said happily, while his tail wagged. Mittens smiled, seeing that Bolt was cheered up. Bolt  chewed on the carrot a little longer, before Mittens suggested "Why don't we get Rhino and watch a flim?"
"Yeah, we should!" replied Bolt. He wanted to get his mind off Penny.
They all got Rhino, and soon all of them were sitting on the couch watching ICarly.

Bolt The Extended Adventures: Volume 1: Bolt Gets BulliedWhere stories live. Discover now