The Plan

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As the sun shone through the window into Pennys room, the two animals stayed fast asleep. Penny's mom entered the room, and saw the two pets sleeping on the bed. "Aww, look at that." she said to herself. An hour later, Mittens slowly awoke.

Mittens looked around, and saw Bolt sleeping. Bolt had a small smile on his face, and sniffed lightly, before waking up. "Oh, hey Mittens." said Bolt. "Good morning, Bolt. Do you wanna get breakfast?" asked Mittens. "No, I'm fine." replied Bolt, with his face falling. "Bolt, whats wrong?" asked Mittens. "Kyle is coming back, today. He's gonna bully me again." replied Bolt. "No, no he won't. Not this time." said Mittens.

"Mittens, please don't tell me you're going to fight him."

"No, that would end badly. I have a diffirent idea."

"What is it?"

"Well, you told me that Kyle bullied you, but I saw none of it happen, nor did Rhino. He's clearly trying to hide it and get away with it."


"Well Bolt, if me and Rhino stay with you, Kyle will leave you alone. He can't bully if they're witnesses."

"I see. What should we do?"

"I was thinking the three of us stay togther while he's here. He won't go after you while we are around."

"Well, he got me last time when I went outside to use the restroom. I can't stay with you all the time"

"Use the restroom before he shows up. Then you won't need to later."

"Alright, but even if Kyle leaves me alone, ill never be able to get back at him for what he did to me."

"Oh, I have a plan. Bolt, do you still have the bite mark on your back leg?"

"Yeah, I do. Pretty visable."

"You remember how to do the dog face?"


"Perfect. Now here is the plan."

Mittens told Bolt the plan, and soon the two of them went downstairs. Bolt went outside to do his buisiness, and then came back in. They went to Rhinos hamster cage.
"Rhino, do you wanna watch Cars with us? Bolt hasn't seen it yet!" said Mittens. "Of course! That movie is beawesome!" replied Rhino. The three pets walked into the tan living room, hopped onto the red couch, and began watching TV. A few hours later, Kyle was dropped off at home.

"Alright, where is that little brat?" thought Kyle, as he walked around the house. He eventually walked into the tan living room, where he saw all three watching TV. "Darn, he's with his friends, I can't do it right now!" thought Kyle.

Bolt felt a little nervous, which Mittens noticed. She put her paw on his back, comforting him. Bolt felt a little better, and composed himself. "Oh, hi Kyle! Want to join us watching TV?" said Mittens.

"Of course, what show are we watching?" responded Kyle.

"Icarly, it's pretty funny!" responded Mittens.

"Ill watch it." replied Kyle.
Kyle sat down on the floor and began watching too. The four of them sat togther, watching TV. Hours passed, before a white pickup truck entered the driveway. The doorbell rang, before Penny's Mom opened the door.

"Hi" said Kyles owner.

"Hello!" responded Pennys Mom.

"Thanks for watching Kyle for me, did he behave well?"

"Yes he did, infact he's right over there."

"Kyle accidentally brought this toy home, it's not ours so I brought it back."

"Thanks, this is Bolt's favorite, ill give it to him."

Pennys Mom put Mr. Carrot in her pocket, before she and Kyles owner glanced into the living room.

"Now." whispered Mittens to Bolt.

Bolt hopped off the couch, and layed on the floor. He stuck out his back leg, which had a giant, red and purple bite mark with hair missing around it. Bolt looked up at Penny's Mom, and made the saddest, cutest face he possibly could. His ears were down, his eyes were big, and his lip quivered. He even made sad little whimper noises.
"BOLT!" exclaimed Pennys mom, who ran towards him.
screamed Kyles owner. Kyle was wide eyed. He was in big trouble now. Kyle's owner grabbed him by the collar, and began forcing him out of the room. As he was dragged out of the room, he saw Mittens looking at him, with a smug look on her face.

Rhino was shocked and angry. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS, BOLT'S SO NICE AND ADORABLE, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HIM, DIEEEE, DIEEE" shrieked Rhino, and before he coukd roll off the couch and at Kyle, Mitens grabbed his ball, and Rhino was stopped.

Kyle was dragged out of the house and into the truck, where his owner left him before reentering the house.
"I'm so sorry, I had no idea he would do this, he's usaully so nice!" said Kyles owner. "Ill cover all the vet bills, everything."
"Thanks, thats nice of you, but can you just leave?" said Pennys mom.
"Sure thing, ill go" he said nervously.

Bolt was placed upon a heated blanket, with an ice pack on his injured leg. "Don't worry Bolt, you'll be fine, you're going to the vet, and ill bring Mittens with to keep you company, don't worry Bolty."

Mittens turned to Bolt. "Told you it would work, do you feel better now?" she asked.
"Yep, I do. Thank you so much Mittens. This means a lot." replied Bolt.

"Least I could do, after all you saved me from the pound."

"Aww, thanks."

"I wonder whats going on with Kyle?"

*cut to Kyle's house*

"Kyle, you are a BAD BOY! Because you can't be trusted with other peoples dogs, you have to stay here and ill have to hire a dogsitter!" Kyle's owner was yelling at his dog, despite the fact that dogs cannot talk to hunans. "You aren't getting treats, or wet food for 2 weeks! Only dry food!" He then stormed out of the room.

Kyle was angry. He really liked treats and wet food, and now he couldn't have that, so he started an angry rant "THAT STUPID DOG, AND CAT, THEY GOT ME IN TROUBLE, THIS WAS A SETUP, IT'S ALL THEIR FAULT!!! I'M GONNA-"

But no one heard him. It didn't matter.

Meanwhile, Bolt and Mittens were loaded into their cages, and were being carried outside one at a time into the car. Bolt saw Mr. Carrot slip out of Penny's Moms pocket, and onto the floor of the living room. Mr Carrot had returned, and was safe, undamaged. Bolt was relieved.

Bolt and Mittens were soon back in the car, being driven to the vet.

Bolt The Extended Adventures: Volume 1: Bolt Gets BulliedWhere stories live. Discover now