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Bolt was sitting on the red couch. It had been raining for a little while, which Bolt didn't mind. He was used to water, and rain. But then, it started thundering. A loud CRACK! boomed outside. Bolt jumped. Although Bolt had seen plenty of explosions and noises on his TV show, that was when he thought he was invincible. Indestructable. Nothing could harm him.

But now Bolt fully knew he was a real dog. And the thunderstorm, the loud cracks, the explosions, the light flashing, it reminded him of something, the studio fire.

Thunder struck again. Bolt was scared. He began talking to himself. "Ok Bolty, you'll be fine, just stay cool. The fire is over. You are safe. There is no fire. You are safe.'

Bolt sat still on the couch. Thunder struck again, this time just above the house. This made him jump, and he realized he couldn't stay up there. He leaped off the red couch, and started running towards the basement. He ran through the orange room, down the maroon hallway, and into the basement. Bolt bolted into the downstairs bedroom, and quickly ran underneath the bed.

Bolt felt safer under the bed. It was enclosed, and quieter. He felt hidden. The thunder was quieter, but it was still scary. Every time thunder struck, Bolts body quaked. He still terrified. He had his ears tucked in, and tail between his legs. His little legs shook. The thunder increased in intensity, and he shook even more. He covered his face with his front paws, and tried talking to himself.

"Everything is ok Bolty, you will be fine, its only thunder. You need to be Big Bolt and calm down. But he didn't. Images of the burning studio entered his mind, props falling and slamming into the ground, and the loud thunder-like sounds they made.
Mittens was on her way to the basement bedroom. That was one of her favorite places to nap. She had finished using the litter box when the thunderstorm started. Although she was also afraid of thunderstorms, she had gotten used to them living outside in New York.

As she walked into the bedroom in the basement, she heard Bolt under the bed, talking to himself.
"You are ok Bolty, it is just a thunderstorm. There is NOTHING to be afraid of. Stay calm Bolty, stay calm. It's all in your head, the stusio fire is over, you are safe. Penny is safe." Despite his efforts, the area around Bolt transformed into a burning studio, with burning props and fire all around.
Mittens knew Bolt needed company, or someone to talk to. She knew that talking to him would make him feel better. Mittens walked under the bed, and there he was. Bolt was shaking, with his paws over his face.

"Bolt?" said Mittens. Bolt slowly removed his paws off his face. In the middle of the burning studio, there was Mittens. "You look scared. Do you want me to stay here with you?" The flames vanished, and Bolt was back under the bed, with Mittens in front of him.
Bolt stopped shaking. He felt a lot safer now that Mittens was with him. He wasn't alone anymore. He wanted to say yes, but then Kyles words entered his head.

"Little" "Weak" "Small" "you'll probably go crying to your cat girlfriend or whatever"
Bolt looked a Mittens, who had a concerned look on her face. "Don't be weak Bolt, be Big Bolt. You can hold it togther. Don't be weak" his mind told him. "No Mittens, I am fine. You can go. I wasn't scared, just cold. Thats why I was shaking. I am fine." he told Mittens.
Mittens knew Bolt was scared, and asked again.

"Bolt, are you sure? Its ok if you are scared-"
"I'm not. Ill be alright." said Bolt, cutting her off.
"But-" said Mittens, trying again
"Ill be alright. Leave me alone." Bolt said in a louder voice.
Mittens knew that arguing would go nowhere. Bolt was getting defensive and stubborn, and Bolt, when stubborn, it's hard to change his mind.

"Ok Bolt, I understand. Ill leave you alone." she replied.
"Thanks Mittens" said Bolt.
Mittens walked out of the room. "Bolt's been acting diffirently lately, I wonder whats gotten into him?" Maybe it has something to do with that other dog, Kyle." Mittens thought. She walked upstairs, and there on the couch was Rhino, watching Cars on the TV.

Wheres Bolt? Asked Rhino, noticing Mittens had walked in. She knew Bolt woudl want to be left alone, so she lied "In the basement, sleeping."
"Oh" responded Rhino. I'd think he would like this movie. "Really?" said Mittens. "Yeah, its action packed, and the characters are great! I think Mater the tow truck is the best character. He's so funny! Just wish Bolt was here." said Rhino
"Me too, I wish he was." replied Mittens.

The thunderstorm began to grow in intensity. Bolt became frightened again, and closed his eyes, and shook lightly. He stayed under that bed for hours, shivering. He wanted Penny to return, pick him up and hug him, and that Mr. Carrot would be returned.

He regretted not letting Mittens stay with him, but kept telling himself he did the right thing and that it was the "manly" thing to do. Only a weak dog would ask for help and company, he thought. Hours later, the storm died down, and a tired, shaken, and anxious Bolt finally fell asleep.

Bolt The Extended Adventures: Volume 1: Bolt Gets BulliedWhere stories live. Discover now