Another Day

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Bolt, woke up the next day. As he opened his eyes, the clock read "12:34" he knew that Kyle was here already. Knowing that Kyle might do something, as he had done in the days prior, Bolt was alert. He walked out of Penny's room, and into the kitchen, where he ate. After he was full, Bolt walked into the living room, where he saw Rhino watching TV.

"Hey Bolt! Where were you last night? Me and Mittens watched a really good movie called Cars!" said Rhino.
"Uhm, just asleep. I was really tired." Said Bolt.

"Well, you really should have watched it with us. It was beyond awesome, or beawesome! But not as awesome as you, Bolt!"

"Thanks, Rhino."

"You're welcome Bolt. What are you watching?"

"Some show about high school kids, you wanna watch?"


The TV ended commerical break, where it showed a tall jock kid standing over some short kid.

"Hey there, shorty! Do you have my homework done like I asked you to?"
said the tall jock.

"No, I don't, my dog ate it, I'm so sorry." responded the short kid, who was starting to show fear.

"Well that sucks, now my grade is gonna be mad. Someone needs to pay for that." replied the tall kid.

"No, please, I'm sorry, ill have it finished next time-"
The kid was cut off as he got upcut by the jock. "Oh no, not Henry!" cried Rhino. Bolt felt a little uneasy, watching Henry get hurt. It reminded him of what Kyle was doing to him.
The carnage countinued on TV, while Mittens walked into the room. She saw the TV, and Bolt had a mild nervous look on his face. Mittens found this unusual, and she took note of this.

Mittens hoped up onto the couch. She greeted Rhino and Bolt.
"What are you two watching?"

"Some show about high school, were following this kid named Henry" responded Rhino.

"Interesting. Why is he getting hurt?" asked Mittens.

"He didn't do the bullies homework."  replied Rhino.

Bolt was silent during the conversation. Mittens noticed this.

The episode ended with Henry falling to the floor. As the credits rolled, Bolt became normal again.

"I hope Henry gets back at the jock in the next episode." Said Rhino.

"Yeah, he seems like an absolute jerk." replied Mittens.

"I hope Henry hurts the jock beyond belief. Crushes him, breaks his bones, makes the jock suffer. Gets back at him with zero mercy."
Bolt's voice tone began to rise, getting louder and louder.
"I hope that jock gets hit by a truck. I hope his neck gets snapped. I HATE THE JOCK."
When Bolt finished, he noticed that Rhino was a little shocked, but Rhino responded with "Yeah, he's a huge jerk."
Mittens replied "Thats a bit extreme, I don't like him either, but sheesh wags."

Bolt sat there, silent, realizing how worked up he got. "Sorry, just got a bit worked up. Felt bad for Henry."

"Ah, makes sense. I was starting to get concerned on a level." replied Mittens.

The credits ended, and a movie started to play. Bolt looked outside, noticing Kyle in the front yard. Kyle was outside. Waiting for him. Bolt knew that he would have to go outside eventually, to go to the restroom. He pushed this thought back, as he didn't want to think about it.

High School Musical began to play on the TV. Eventually, the movie ended, and all three of them didn't like it that much. "I'm kinda tired, I'm gonna go downstairs and sleep, Wags" said Mittens, in a tired voice. "Alright, have a nice sleep, Mittens." responded Bolt.
"I'm going to my cage." said Rhino in a tired voice, and rolled out of the room before Bolt could respond.

Bolt was alone now. He sat on top of the red couch, lonely. He imagined Penny returning, picking him up, and hugging him. Telling him how much she loved him and how much she missed him. Them playing togther again. Bolt's dream was interrupted when he felt pressure building inside him. Bolt knew what this meant. Nature was calling.

Bolt knew stalling it would go nowhere, and could potentially cause an accident. "Come on Bolt, you can be Big Bolt. Go outside, and be brave." Bolt gained courage, and walked outside.

Bolt The Extended Adventures: Volume 1: Bolt Gets BulliedWhere stories live. Discover now