Night Terrors

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Bolt was watching TV with Mittens and Rhino. They were watching an episode of ICarly, when suddenly Kyle ran into the room, and grabbed Mittens by the neck, ripping her off the couch. "Bolt---HELP!!!" she screamed. Bolt jumped off the couch, and tried to free Mittens. He tried biting his legs, but that did nothing. He tried to knock him down, but he couldn't. He kept trying, while Kyle violently shook her around from her neck.

Bolt could hear her screaming, and kept trying to save her. But he couldn't. He couldn't stop Kyle, and eventually the screaming stopped. Kyle dropped Mittens to the floor. She was lifeless, and Bolt started to see a red liquid emerge. "You couldn't save her, Bolt. You truely are small and weak." said Kyle, who was looking down upon him.

Bolt violently woke up. He couldn't handle any more of the dream. As he awoke, he looked around from under the bed. It was only a dream. He climbed out from under the bed, to look for Mittens. He wanted to see her again, just to be sure. Bolt walked out of the room, back upstairs, and into the tan living room. There was Mittens, asleep on the couch. Bolt was happy to see her again, and walked up to Penny's room, to sleep there instead.

It took him a little bit to fall asleep as he looked at the pictures of him and Penny togther. But now it was just him. Alone and sad. He crawled into a ball, and once again, fell asleep.

Bolt was in the tan living room. It was raining heavily outside. He looked around the living room from the red couch. He remembered that Mittens and Rhino were at the vet. It was just him, alone. Suddenly, a thunderstorm began outside. Loud cracks of thunder shook the house. Bolt became scared, and didn't want to be up there any longer. Bolt ran into the basement, and back under the bed. The thunder was quieter now.

Bolt felt safer under there, until he heard a very loud crack of thunder. A defeaning one, that shook the entire house. The thunderstorm countinued, and he countinued to hide under the bed. He covered his eyes, and started to shake again. Suddenly, the roof from above him collasped. Burning pieces of plaster and wood fell from above, onto the bed and rooms around him.
Lightning had struck the house, making it catch fire. Bolt realized he had to get out of there, and began trying to find a path out. He spotted a vent, ran towards it, and crawled out of the now burning room. Bolt climbed through the hot vent, which led him outside into the rain.

Bolt felt relieved as the cold rain hit him. He was out of the flames. But there, in front of him, was Kyle.
Kyle didn't say anything, but Bolt could tell Kyle was going to do something. Before Bolt could run, Kyle bit him by the collar and lifted him up, and carrier Bolt to the edge of the basements foundation. In there, the still burning remains of the house were down there.

Kyle dangled Bolt over the edge. Bolt begged Kyle to put him back on land, and to not drop him into the flames. "PUT ME DOWN!" he screamed. But Kyle didn't listen. He dropped Bolt into the flames, and as Bolt fell, Kyle said "Well, I put you down!". Bolt fell into the fire, and felt the flames consume him.

Bolt jolted awake again. He hopped on his feet and glanced around the room. It was only a bad dream. Bolt began to calm down, and soon was calm. The clock said 3:35am. It was still dark out. The window in Pennys room faced west towards the CSX tracks, and Bolt could hear the sound of a CSX freight approching the Amsterdam Road crossing, sounding it's horn.
He saw the red lights begin to flash and the gates lower.

Bolt watched the train pass, something to keep his mind off what happened in the dream. He became tired once again, and a few minutes later, Bolt fell asleep. There were luckily no more night terrors for Bolt that night.

Bolt The Extended Adventures: Volume 1: Bolt Gets BulliedWhere stories live. Discover now