The Barn

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Bolt walked outside through the doggy door into the backyard. "Stay cool, Bolty, you're ok Bolty." He looked around the backyard, where he didn't see Kyle anywhere. Bolt felt a sigh of relief, and found a spot in the yard to relief himself. Once he was done, he began to walk towards the house. Then Kyle ran from around the corner, and jumped onto him.

Bolt panicked, but was too scared to say anything.
"Did you really think you could hide from me ALL day? Or that I'd let you go?" said Kyle, towering over him.

Bolt didn't say anything. He was still in shock.

"Well, ive attacked you, stolen from you, and scared you, now what should I do?" said Kyle.
Kyle looked around, and saw a large tin can, big enough to cover Bolt's muzzle. Kyle held onto Bolt, and force the can over Bolt's muzzle.
Bolt tried to say something, but he couldn't. He was absolutely silent. Kyle laughed, while Bolt looked down at the ground with his ears down. Bolt wanted to cry, and Kyle noticed this.

"Aww, is little baby bolt going to cry? Good thing he already has a pacifer in his mouth!" and Kyle laughed more. "Don't cry Bolt, you gotta be Big Bolt, BIG BOLT." Bolt thought. So he didn't.

Kyle bit into Bolt's right hind leg, despite Bolt's effort to stop him, and began to drag him in the direction of the barn. Bolt tried to get a grip in the ground, something to slow down Kyle, but even if he managed to slow down Kyle a lot, Kyle would bite into his leg harder, causing extreme pain. Eventually, Bolt gave up, when the pain becamr too much. Kyle dragged Bolt into the barn, and found an old leash on the ground. He attached it to Bolt's collar, and tied it to a supporting beam on the far end of the barn, far from the Airstream trailer inside.
"Well, Bolt, I'm gonna leave you here. Now you won't be able to hidr from me, and best if all, you're hidden from your friends." said Kyle.
Bolt was scared, but tried not to show it. He had to be Big Bolt. Kyle walked out, and soon it was only Bolt alone in the barn.

The White Swiss Sheperd sat next to the pole. He had tried to escspe, untie the knot, detatch the hook off his collar, everything. Eventually Bolt began pulling on the metal hook, slowly bending it, and after a long time, got it unhooked. It was incredibly difficult, as his back leg hurt a lot.

Several hours later, after Kyle had left, Mittens awoke from her nap. She noticed that Bolt wasn't in the house, which was unusual. She asked Rhino if he had seen Bolt, but he hadn't since the movie ended. Mittens began to think. "Why has Bolt been acting up lately? He's been more stubborn, unwilling to talk to me about his problems like he used to, and got worked up over a TV show. This isn't like him." Mittens also noticed that Bolt didn't ever hang out with the other dog Kyle. "Maybe this other dog has something to do with it. Mittens remembered how uneasy, and later full on angry Bolt was about the Jock in the TV show. Then it hit her.

Kyle was being mean to Bolt. When Bolt was yelling, it wasn't about the jock, it was about Kyle. Bolt was uneasy not because Henry was being hurt, but because it reminded him of himself getting hurt.

"I need to talk to Bolt." She thought.
Just then Mittens heard Bolt enter the kitchen through the back doggy door. Mittens ran into the kitchen, where she saw a tired Bolt with a tin can over his muzzle, and back leg limping. Mittens knew immedeitly what had happened.

"Bolt! Are you ok? Wag your tail once if you're alright!" Bolt responded with a single tail wag. "Thank goodness." said Mittens.
"Here, ill help you remove the tin can, you push with your front paws, and ill pull." she said to Bolt. The two of them, working togther, removed the tin can.

"Thank you, Mittens." said Bolt. "I'm tired, so I'm gonna go to bed. See you in the morning." finished Bolt, trying to get out of there quickly.
"But Bolt, what happened?" said Mittens."

"Nothing." responded Bolt.

"But your leg, thats not nothing."

"I said it was nothing!"


Bolt screamed that final line loudly. Mittens was silent, after this, knowing that Bolt wasn't willing to talk. Bolt painfully made his way up the stairs, and into Penny's room. He hoped up onto the bed, and looked up at the pictures. He missed Penny more than ever. He wanted Penny to comfort him, and tell him everything was alright. Pick him up, just like she used to do. "I miss you, Penny." said Bolt, to himself. Bolt put his head down and fell asleep.

Bolt The Extended Adventures: Volume 1: Bolt Gets BulliedWhere stories live. Discover now