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Picture of Jack above

Disclaimer: I wrote this a WHILE ago and came up with the idea years ago. I'm not proud but this is what helped me to experiment with my writing and improve with it. 

Brooklyn's P.O.V.

I have a crush on a really cute guy. Or at least I think he is cute. Everybody else thinks he is either annoying or funny. I think he is cute, funny, nice, and sometimes a bit tough. I thought this ever since I started middle school. My crush on him gets bigger every day. As soon as I saw him I thought he was cute. I didn't choose to like him. My mind and heart just thought of ways to mess with me. Well, he was it. What my mind and heart didn't know is that he would barely notice me.

I am wearing a plain white T, converse, black skinny jeans, a necklace, and a black beanie. My hair is long, and curly brown. I have a sister and she has a habit of embarrassing. Not that she is weird or something. Scratch that, yes she is. She keeps telling people not so flattering things about me. So, when I am around my sister I am always being laughed at. Doesn't help that she knows all about my crush.

This so called crush is Jack. He is in almost all my classes. But, that is not the only time I get to see him. I ran into him at the carnival just last month. He said "Hi." and I just looked at him. I guess I was just too shocked to speak. Out of all people I expected to see there, I saw him. It has been on my mind for weeks. Seeing him at the carnival seems like a faded memory now. It only happened last month. He has never mentioned seeing me. I guess to him, I'm just another girl from school. The place he hates.

I pulled down my sleeve covering what is known as cuts. I wasn't proud of them. No they weren't because of him. Peer pressure, anxiety, depression, anger issues, they all were a reason. My parents knew, but I had kept it a secret for more then I could remember. The cuts on the other hand. Three years have been hard enough for my skin to prove it. I felt selfish. I felt like I was over reacting. Although, it was my thoughts that drove me. My fears, and my insecurities.

This boy seemed like my mind and hearts distraction. Seeing him gave me something to smile about. So, why not look for him. We may not talk, but at least his presence was nice.

I walked down the hallway looking to see if he was at school. I had not seen him yet. I surveyed each familiar locker. I walked by his locker which is right next to the water fountain. I took a long drank. The water was really cold. It was also refreshing, although that's not the reason I stayed.

I heard someone open a locker. I turned to see him standing there with a soccer ball under his arm. His blond hair was sticking up a little in random places like he just woke up. I thought that was adorable. Of course I shook off these thoughts.

Dakota, Jack's best friend ran up and slammed into the locker. I recoiled. "Dude you gonna go?" He said as though it wasn't his first time speaking of it.

"To the party? Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Jack shut his locker and faced his friend. "Are you going?"

"Yeah! I here this party is going to be epic." What an over rated word. Dakota smiled mischievously. "Are you going to bring a date?"

Jack hesitated. I held my breath. "Nah. I don't want to be stuck with some girl all night." Jack chuckled. He stopped a moment and turned towards me. He looked at me quizzically. He must have realized I was watching them. Before he opened his mouth to speak I ran off. My face must have turned beet red because everyone was glancing at me.

The clock reached 8:00 which is time for my first class. At this I ran to my locker and grabbed my books. I ran to class as fast as I could. I hoped no one pulled me aside for rushing like this. When I got there Jack was standing at the door explaining why he had arrived late. I heard his voice but couldn't make out his words, as my mind raced for an explanation. The teacher turned to me and asked why I was also so late.

"I was getting my books." I looked down at my feet hoping I could just go sit down.

"You should have already had your books." He pressed with his words, then looking at the class then back at me. "What were you doing that made you really, late. I want the truth."

I looked up with wide eyes. I can't tell the teacher that I was watching Jack and Dakota, in front of the whole class. It's not like the reason I'm late is all that serious." I glanced up at Jack. He glanced at me.

"We were." He hesitated. "Studying." Jack spoke, saving me from an embarrassing moment. Of course he would be why I was embarrassed.

The teacher looked up in surprise. "Both of you?" Jack nodded.

"Isn't that right Brooklyn?" He waited for a response. My name is Brooklyn. He actually remembered my name. I don't know how he managed to catch my name. He was usually busy tapping his pencils while I'm hiding towards the back of class.

I looked at Jack then over at the teacher. "Yeah. Right. We were studying."

A girl called out, "Why were you guys studying together? Are you dating?"

The teacher interrupted quickly, "Go find you seats."

I sat down at a desk in the middle of the room. Jack sat at the desk next to me. I put down my books and pulled out the one about how plants grow. At least I think that's what it's about.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw Jack. "Are you going to the party?"

Who is throwing a party. We are only in middle school. I may be 14 but I have never gone to a party before. Yes this is my last year. Although, that doesn't mean I have tons of friends. I'd only be a shadow if I had a friend in all my classes. Well, more of a shadow. I hesitated. "I wasn't invited."

He smirked, "I was. I could take you as my guest." I looked at him for a moment. "No one would mind."

"Ok. Who's throwing the party?"


Great. The prettiest and meanest girl in the school is throwing the party of the year. My expression dropped.


A/N: That was the first chapter. I really hope you found it to be a good story so far. I would love it if you continued reading. Remember to comment and vote. It would make my day.

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