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Picture of Sasha above

Brooklyn's P.O.V.

Sasha. She is always showing off. She is annoying and always laughing. Mostly when a boy is talking to her she will be laughing her head off. She is almost friends with everyone. My only friend is my cousin Bay. She is my only friend and has been my only friend ever since my old best friend from Elementary school left me.

It is time for every one to go home. Finally. I got up and left my last class for the day. I went to my locker and grabbed my backpack.

I walked down the hallway and stopped at the water fountain. It was the one by his locker. For some reason I always go here when I'm thirsty. I started to go down the hallway, but stopped when I heard voices.

"So your going to my party." Said a familiar voice.

"Yeah." That voice was also familiar. Too familiar.

"Jack, do you have a date. I could be your date." Sasha was flirting with my Jack. Not that I actually own him, but that doesn't mean she can ask him out.

"Are you going with anyone?"

"I uh..." He hesitated. "I am going with Brooklyn." He said he was going with me. I thought we were just going as friends. We are going as friends right?

I looked over the wall so I could see them. Sasha was staring at him in disbelief.

"Your going with Brooklyn?"

"And Dakota." He looked at her confused. "What's so wrong with me going to your party with Brooklyn?"

"She is a huge nerd and she has a diary. It's blue with black designs on the front. It looks like it's for a boy." Sasha crossed her arms.

I do not have diary. "That's not her diary, that's her sketch book." Jack shut his locker which was hanging open. How does he know that that's my sketch book?

"How do you know what her sketch book looks like?"

Sasha opened her bag and pulled out a book. My sketch book. She opened it to a page with a book mark. How did she get my sketch book! She showed him the page with the book mark. His eye brows went up then furrowed. "Why do you have her sketch book?" He took it from her.

"I saw her drawing in it and I wanted to see what she was drawing. I took it from her when she wasn't looking. Your name is written on almost every page." She had her hand on her hip.

"Does she know you have it?" Jack kept looking at the drawings.

"No and she won't find out." Sasha tried to snatch the book but he pulled it away. "Give it!"

"No!" He started to walk away.

"Fine! Brooklyn's a nerd and everyone knows it, especially her. How are you going to give the book to her anyway. She would totally be embarrassed when she finds out that you saw it."

"I'm not going to give the book back to you. So back off. I'll see you at the party, I guess."

I backed up against the wall. He walked and as he did I saw which sketch he was looking at. The one of him. He is wearing a hoodie and doing school work. His face was shaded in some so it looks like there's a shadow from the hoodie. His name is written really cool at the bottom. At least I think it's cool. The whole thing is very detailed and looks like it was drawn by a true artist. Me.

I hope he doesn't show anyone or tell anyone. Now that he knows I like him things are going to be a lot harder.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I would love it if you kept on reading. Remember to comment and vote. Please and thank you.

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