04: Experimenting

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What was Erwin expecting when he went to ask you about the transition? He certainly didn't expect you to go bouncing up and down with joy at the idea.

Erwin's head turned to face the sprinting Hange down the corridor, then smiled. They got next to him, breathless and their hands supporting them on their knees as their back heaved up and down trying to catch their breath. He waited a few more seconds before Hange picked themselves back up and flashed a grin at him.

"I like the idea of cadet Y/n being switched to your squad, but I don't think they'll appreciate it too much." Erwin commented, walking next to Hange with his arms held behind his back professionally. Hange sighed, "Have a little positivity! They might have a change of heart and go with it!" They chirped as quietly as they could when Erwin let them know that the both of them were nearing your shared room with Christa.

He shook his head slowly before stopping in front of your door, him remaining perfectly calm as he should be, and Hange buzzing with excitement. Erwin lifted his arm to knock on the door, when it already opened and revealed Christa getting up for early morning training. She looked at the Commander and the Section Commander both towering over her ominously, and a lump of fear swelled in her throat as Erwin smiled at her.

"Good morning, cadet. Is cadet Y/n up?" Erwin asked smoothly as Christa nodded slowly, looking back to your standing figure, just barely side eyeing Erwin and Hange. Hange's own eyes drifted over to you, then waved eagerly at you inside your own room. Erwin glanced at you then grinned. "Glad to see you're up, cadet Y/n. Can I speak with you for a moment?"

"I didn't do anything, but whatever."

"I didn't say you did," Erwin smoothly replied as you slugged your way over to the doorframe, replacing Christa's body with the company of yours as you leaned against it. "I'm here to ask you something, cadet," He started, sending a glance at Hange. They nodded their head like an eager puppy before Erwin looked back at you.

"Would you like to be transferred to the Hange squad?"

" What? "

The three of you stood in silence for a few moments while Christa stayed in the background, watching the whole thing happen. " Transferred to the Hange squad? " You repeated, eyes widening and poison lacing your voice. You glanced over at the eager Hange, then back at the calm Erwin. The two of them stared at you as your eye twitched once.

" No. "

Hange cringed in embarrassment, then sighed. Erwin's gaze flickered over to them before looking back at you. "I apologize, cadet, but I'm afraid the transfer's already started. You'll be switched over to their squad later on this afternoon, and will conduct an experiment with them." He replied firmly, making you drop your jaw. As if your eyes couldn't get any wider, they switched over to Hange. They swallowed the lump in their throat at the daggers in your eyes before looking at Erwin. He looked at them with a lifted brow. "Do you accept, section commander?"

"Yes! Yes yes, of course I do!" Hange's mood quickly changed and they started hopping up and down in excitement like earlier. You balled your fist up then grit your teeth. You couldn't believe this was happening, and in your second week, too! You thought you'd make it just fine in the Levi squad, but no, life had to throw shit in your face and tell you tough shit.

You rolled your eyes and let out a very agitated sigh. "Whatever." You mumble out, eyebrows knitting into a frown. Hange beamed at you for a few more moments before Erwin instructed them to walk with him back to the mess hall.

If there was any such moment where you wanted to watch the world burn, it was right now. You couldn't believe this! Getting transferred? To a new squad? With the person you hate? Unbelievable! You were so pissed off right now that you could start a fight and finish it, and you just might. With Hange. God, how you wanted to kill them! Didn't they know you hated them? Why in their right mind would they do something like that?

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