10: Sent from Hell

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"Captain! We bought the supplies!"

Right now, there was a hunt going on for all the Scouts, specifically the Levi squad. All of you had to go undercover to go buy supplies for hiding out in the forest. Armin, Mikasa and Jean all went out for supplies while you, Connie and Sasha stayed back with Levi. When they all returned, Armin handed Levi a paper that looked like a wanted sign, since it had a drawing of him on it.

"They were handing these out, too." Armin said as he handed him the paper. Levi looked at it and saw the picture, which you thought looked absolutely nothing like him. "If this is true, the Scouts will be disbanded." Armin added. They kept conversing while you sat there, internally amusing yourself about how Humanity is taking itself down, and you didn't even have to do anything!

Sasha perked her head up and looked around, "Captain! I hear footsteps!" She warned. Everyone stayed silent as they tried listening for the steps that she hears, but her hearing is way better than everyone else's. "They're Military Police, they're coming for us." She continued nervously. Levi sighed as he stood up from the log he was sitting on. "Oi, Armin, Y/n. You two go to the river out there and wait for the Military Police to find you. Mikasa and I will be sitting in the trees nearby and waiting for them." He ordered. You and Armin nodded before you got up and followed him out from the area. Everyone scrambled to collect everything and leave no trace they were there.

"Tch, to think we could ever get a break." You mumbled, stretching your arms under your cloak before throwing your hood over your head. "We're being accused of murdering civilians, so I wouldn't expect anything less from the Military Police." Armin replied, glancing back at you. You huffed then rested your arms behind your head. "And instead of actually looking for who did it, they punish the entire regiment. Makes sense."

"So many things have happened here that they just automatically blame us for it, since we've been accused of so many things already that they just aren't surprised by it." He commented. You stayed silent as the two of you kept walking until you found the river bed. Armin handed you a bucket and the two of you got down to start filling the buckets.

"Don't move!" A voice shouted from behind the two of you. You rolled your eyes, "Can't even get a moment to collect water without getting harassed." You mumbled under your breath, still filling the bucket. Armin stayed silent as he stopped, letting water overflow the bucket. "Slowly turn this way." The voice ordered. Armin glanced at you for a second before standing up. You stood up with him and turned around with a frown on your face, and a blank expression on Armin's.

"You two must be Scouts..just like that, not a word." The man in front of you, holding a gun, ordered. You looked at the other mp and looked into the barrel of her gun. It was bright outside, thank god, so you could get a glimpse of what's inside before Levi and Mikasa leapt from the trees and attacked both of them.

"They looked so stupid, they weren't gonna shoot anyways. The guns weren't loaded." You commented as Levi and Mikasa held both of them by their shoulders. The woman strained in Mikasa's grasp. "Now, hand over your guns to them." Levi ordered. The two of them stayed still before you sighed and grabbed the woman's gun.

"Not a word, right?" Armin questioned, holding the other man's gun. Levi looked at you as you pulled out some rope from your pocket. "Tie them up and steal their uniforms." He ordered. You nodded before walking over and grabbing the woman's wrist. She strained a bit, squirming in your grasp before you tighten your grip. "The more you move the harder this gets." You inform, making eye contact with her and lowering your eyes. She grit her teeth before staying still.

You wrapped the rope around her wrists and tied a knot, then moved onto the man and pulled out more rope to tie his wrists up.

Levi ordered the two to remove their uniform and their gear, and to stay by the riverbed. Jean pulled a paper out from one of the jacket pockets from one of them and handed it to Levi, it was information about the to mp's.

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