16: Wall Maria

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"Y/n, get away! He's an enemy!"

You felt an arm wrap around your torso and pull you further away from Oliver. You and Jean both landed on top of the Wall as Oliver quickly disappeared from sight. As much as you wanted to, you couldn't go after Oliver yourself since you heard lightning strike some distance away. You twirled around on your heel to find Reiner's titan lying flat on the ground like a pencil.

Looking around, you soon found Oliver boosting towards Reiner, so you quickly run and jump off the Wall, grappling across the district to get to him. Your face was turned to a scowl, and your grip was tight on your blades. How could he do this, you thought as you kept boosting towards him. Oliver apparently didn't see or hear you so he paid no mind to you catching up with him. He couldn't wait a little longer?

"OLIVER!" You screamed, throwing off your hood and unhooking yourself to hopefully land right on top of Reiner. When you did, you quickly took your blade and held it to his throat. Oliver's eyes averted to the sword just underneath his chin, ready to stab him. He grit his teeth as he took his own blade and swung yours away, hopping off of Reiner and grappling to the side of the Wall.

He's already good with his gear. You don't just perfect it in a day, how long has he been here? A week? Two weeks, You thought as you boosted after him, bringing your blade up to push against his own. If anyone on the other side of the District saw you and Oliver fight, they'd see that you're holding back against him. If this was Reiner or Bertolt, you wouldn't hesitate to slice their heads off. But this was Oliver, your childhood best friend. You couldn't do that without trying to convince him to switch sides first.

"Oliver, stop!" You shouted once again, dropping the handles of your blades to punch him square in the face as you both landed on some roof. You definitely heard a crack, maybe you broke his jaw or something. You'd definitely have to convince Hange to help him with that if he does end up switching sides. You sped over and held him tight by his collar, almost lifting him up if you really wanted to. He frowned as he took his own hand and tried prying you away from him, no luck. Your grip was insane at the moment, you could tear away some of the material if you pull away quickly enough. "When did you get here?!"

"When did you switch sides?!" He shouted back, his frown turning into a scowl. Your heart sank a bit; you've never seen him yell like that, let alone frown like that. He looked like he'd been so angry for the past 7 years that it started to become the norm for him. It hurt you to see your best friend like this, the same best friend who used to be cute and sassy 7 years ago, now hostile and angry.

You bit your tongue, how could you explain that without mentioning Hange? You couldn't answer knowing that if you did mention them, Oliver would go out of his own way to kill them if it meant you'd go back with him to Liberio to finally see Gertrude again. "Things change, Oliver! I changed!"

"Did you ever stop to think how much me and Gertrude miss you?! It's been 7 years and you still haven't come back! We thought you died!"

"So they sent you here?! To finish my mission?!"

"Yes! What happened to that 17 year old girl who wanted to make their homeland proud!"

"Do you know how fucked up that homeland is?! They sent titans out to eat innocent people!"

"INNOCENT?! Y/n, they're devils! All of them, every last one! I hate them! I hate them for making people like me and Gertrude get discriminated against just for being one of them!"

"Grow up, Oliver, don't just listen to what propaganda says! These people are innocent, and an unprecedented amount of soldiers died to protect other people from titans! Titans that we created!"

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