15: Unprepared

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"The outside world...isn't really full of titans," You start. The room was unsettlingly quiet as Hange lifted a brow. "It's not?"

"No. I don't know how titans first appeared, but I do know that people like Eren can turn into titans from this thing called a titan serum. They inject it in your nape, that's why the nape is their weak spot," You explained, pausing to wait for Hange to make a comment. "I know about the serum, but the nape part makes sense. How do you know all that?"

"That itself is a long story."

"Then tell me."

You sighed as you tapped your foot against their bed. "Where I'm from, Marley, there's this organization called Honorary Marleyans. Only a select few are chosen to become titan shifters, having the serum injected and turning into pure titans to eat the previous titan shifters. There's 9, I think. The Colossal titan, the Armored titan, the Jaw titan, the Cart titan, the Beast titan, the Attack titan, the Female titan, the Warhammer titan, and the Founding titan. I don't really understand what the need for the beast titan is, though."

"And you aren't a titan shifter?" They asked, lifting their brow once again and looking at you. You shook your head briefly. "No, I'm from a different organization. This one is called the Marleyan Mercenaries, trained killers from the minimum age of 6 to the max age of 10, and only 15 out of 20 are picked for the Final Decision, then only 1 of 15 is picked to get shipped off."

"And you were that 1 person?"

"I was. All that was 7 years ago, when I was young and still wanted to make my Homeland proud by helping the Honorary Marleyans take down Humanity. But I gave up on that a little while ago, so now the only mission I have is to take back Wall Maria with you guys."

"I see. So you were sent to aid in Reiner and Bertolt's mission, correct?"

"Exactly. I was sent 2 years prior so the Marleyan Government could take their time choosing the next titan shifters."

Hange nodded slowly, their face now relaxed from the brief state of frustration earlier. You felt bad for ruining their day, if it hadn't already been ruined by going to see Zackly then coming back. "And what else? What's the society like?"

You huffed as you momentarily searched for a way to describe it. "Liberio's...quite charismatic, actually. There's a festival that goes on every year, me and my best friends used to go to it before I got shipped off."

"Your best friends? What're their names?"

"Gertrude Weber and Oliver Schneider."

"Are they nice?"

"From what I remember, yeah. It's been a while, y'know."

Hange let out a small chuckle, their shoulders slightly shaking with them. They finished with a small grin on their face before looking at you. "I found out about the titan serum earlier, here I was thinking they all came from titan sex."

" Titan sex? You know titans don't have reproductive organs."

"Yeah, but what if they kept them hidden? That's what I used to think when I was still in the military." They admit, their small grin spreading wider. They turned to you a moment later. "So if you're from this 'Marley,' and your best friends are still over there, is that why you're so mean all the time?"

"Look at the smart one," You joked, clapping your hands together. Hange giggled again for a few seconds. "Is that actually?"


"So this rude person over here," Hange circled their finger around your sitting figure. "Is all a persona?"

"Yep. I put this up so I wouldn't get attached."

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