12: No Promises

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After Hange, you couldn't sleep at all that night. For the rest of the day you even spent it alone because you were in shock. You still couldn't believe that it happened; Hange kissing you. It felt so unreal. It only happened for a second, but that one second will always leave you with the memory of Hange's presence. A memory you'd never want to forget.

Then the next day, when you finally shut your eyes, the sun was peeking past the horizon. Thank god Levi had given you all the next 5 days off. By the time you would usually be woken up, you wondered why no one came by to wake you up, specifically Hange, though you'd never admit that not even to save your own life. You got about 4 hours of sleep before being woken up by obnoxious knocking at your door.

You stretched open an eye and glared at the banging going on behind the door and recognizing the same loud voice you've heard every single day for about 4 months. Crazy, you think, that it's only been 4 months, yet you've already experimented with Hange, fought and survived Annie, discovered wall titans, discovered Ymir's own titan power, fought Reiner and Bertolt, killed other people for the first time, hugged Hange, used the serum and annihilated an entire enemy team, fought Rod Reiss and kissed Hange all in 4 months.

Picking yourself up from your bed, you sat up on the edge and blinked the sleep out of your eyes before averting your attention towards the door. You now realized that the room which held two beds only had one of them occupied, as Historia became queen short after she killed Rod Reiss. The room felt so empty, despite having it still full of a dresser, two beds and two nightstands. On Historia's bed, her uniform was still laid out, folded and untouched as it sat there waiting for it's host.

You sighed as you stood up and dragged your feet to the door, clutching the doorknob and opening it to find Hange standing at your door in something other than their uniform. They were wearing casualwear for the first time ever. Not only that, their hair looked clean, too. Their face finally looked rid of all the dirt and grime from the other day. A grin was present on their face, as usual.

"Good morning, Hange," You managed to slur out. Their grin grew even wider as they proceeded to wrap their arms around your neck and hug you. "Good morning, dear Y/n! I was wondering when you'd wake up!"

"Some people like to sleep in." You mumbled as you brought your hand up to rub your eye. "..Anyways, I was thinking that you and I could go out into town later on today!" They chirped confidently after releasing you. You blankly stared at them before finally processing what they just said, resulting in your eyes wrenching wider. "Going out...? With you...? Into town...? And do what?"

They simply shrugged, "I dunno! To just walk around and have fun, y'know?!" They chirped again. You continued staring with a blank face, contemplating on if you were really willing to let yourself be seen in public with them, before sighing loudly.

" Fine, " You dragged out the word. "Let me eat real quick then get dressed," You answered with an eye roll. Their eyes lit up with a glimmer as they hopped and quietly but not discretely cheering to themselves. You watched with hooded eyes before brushing past them and slugging down the hallway to make your way to the mess hall. When you got there, there were a lot more people than you thought there would be. The Levi squad sat at their usual table without their trays, indicating they must've finished a while ago, probably taking the time to talk instead of training or cleaning like they usually would be. As usual, Armin was the first one to notice you walking in the room, and he scoot over to make room for you to sit down.

"You slept in quite late, Y/n. Did something happen?" He asked, his voice just barely teasing as you sat down at the table with your tray of food. You side eyed him with a tired look on your face before looking at your food and picking up your food. "Yeah. I finally got to sleep in." You answered bluntly, picking at your food slightly.

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