08: Maybe

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"All this seems like a bunch of bullshit," You comment as you walk through the door with Hange and Levi. Currently, all of squad Levi was staying at a cabin deep in the mountains for an assignment. You made the decision to go back to the Levi squad, but it wasn't until today, so you weren't yet filled in on what the assignment was about. All you knew was that it was to protect both Eren and Historia.

"They're not babies, they can protect themselves." You finish, frowning to yourself. Levi stays silent while Hange simply huffs. "Regardless, Y/n, Levi's orders for your squad." They remind you, before momentarily sulking. You glanced at them before rolling your eyes. When you chose to go back to the Levi squad, Hange's mood changed drastically. Just this morning, they were as happy go lucky as they usually were. Now, they're moody and upset, like a big baby.

"It's not like you'll never see me again." You said sternly, frown turning into a scowl. Hange glanced at you then sighed. "I guess, but it won't be the same! I won't be the one to wake you up in the mornings! I won't get to drag you off to do experiments with me anymore!" They exclaim, tears almost welling in their eyes. You grimaced before slapping their back. "You could always ask, y'know." You mumble, facing forward. Hange looked at you with stars in their eyes as if the tears vanished, which they practically did.

"Ohhh? Are you finally warming up to me now?!"


Hange exclaimed in confusion as the three of you turned to some room, where all of squad Levi was sitting at a table, looking nervous. You found an extra chair sitting in some corner, so you pulled it out and sat it at the table, taking a spot next to Armin. He looked at you as you plopped down in the chair. He smiled before you glanced at him.

"I'll lecture you about your lax cleaning job later. But nevermind that, right now we need to get organized and come up with a plan." Levi started as he pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the dust off of his fingers. "Of course, while much has happened recently, our goal is still the same: to take back Wall Maria." He looked at everyone at the table.

"Hey, Armin. You said if things go well, we can do it fast. Explain that again." Levi requested. Armin nodded before clearing his throat. "My idea was to have Eren transform into a titan and use his abilities to close the wall. The walls..they seem to be made out of hardened titan bodies, so if he can create enough matter on the spot to plug the hole, if that's even possible, of course, then there'd be no need for large wagons full of materials like in the original plan." Armin explained. You let out a quiet huff before leaning back in your chair. Hearing Armin explain the whole plan to you gave you a headache, since you knew it'd be a lot harder to take down Humanity if Eren does end up sealing Wall Maria. But like Armin said, if that's even possible, then there's still a chance at destroying Humanity.

"...Under these ideal conditions, the mission to retake Wall Maria would take less than 24 hours." Armin finished explaining the plan, which you didn't pay attention to most of. You were busy thinking of a way to deter them from putting it into action, and the only way to do that was to question Eren's abilities.

"I'm not fully confident in Eren's abilities as a titan, we don't even know if he can do some shit like 'create enough matter on the spot.' The whole plan seems like a half-assed guess," You spoke up, getting everyone's attention. You sighed, "But, it's worth a try." You finished, to make everyone think that you weren't trying to throw them off..

Armin lowered his eyes sheepishly. "..Well, now that I'm talking about it again, it does sound like a pie in the sky dream," He chimed in, looking at you with a nervous smile. You glanced at him for a moment before Levi spoke up.

"And whether or not that dream can be made real depends on this guy." He flickered his gaze towards Eren, who nodded briefly.

"Yes, I understand that." He answered with a grin. Levi then turned to Hange sitting in the corner. "Hear that, Hange? He's for it. And you're the only one who chooses where our experiment will take place."

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