11: Act on It

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With Armin and Mobilit carrying Hange, everyone went down some hole which only one person from the enemy team escaped. When you all got to the end of the tunnel, there was a barricade at the end which you apparently couldn't cut through with your sword. After standing there for a moment, a huge flash of yellow light, like a titan transform, came from deeper in the chapel. With the wind blowing throughout the entire chapel, an extra barricade came down and almost hit you in the head, which you looked up and saw another way in.

Armin also saw it then got Levi's attention. "There's another hole!" He pointed to it, which made Levi look up and see the free entrance. "Armin, Mobilit! Take Hange and get the hell out of here!" He ordered. Armin and Mobilit nodded before they turned around and carried Hange away as fast as they could. You momentarily turned back around to see Hange get taken away before scoffing. Mikasa tugged your sleeve for you to go with them as everyone was heading up the hole. It was a tight fit, but everyone made it through and found a way to get to Eren and avoid the blast.

You and Mikasa were the first ones to get there. Mikasa was just in time to catch Historia from hitting the wall while Eren was still in chains. The other men; Levi, Connie and Jean all went up there to free Eren from the chains. When that happened, the wind speed sent all of them rolling towards the wall. The other men caught themselves while Eren simply hit the wall. You were focused on keeping your eyes forced shut since the wind was making them water like crazy, you didn't pay attention to what the others were talking about. But when you opened your eyes again it was to the sound of another transform. It was Eren, and the next thing you saw was a bunch of crystal-like branches stemming from the ground, seemingly coming from Eren.

That's when you knew your mission was in jeopardy.

Levi ordered for everyone to get underneath Eren as the walls of the chapel were starting to collapse. You hoped Armin and Mobilit had already escaped with Hange, because as soon as the last person got underneath Eren, some titan made a huge hole through the ground. You figured if it was that long horizontally, then it has to be at least twice as taller as Bertolt's Colossal titan. When the caving in stopped, everyone rushed up to break Eren out from his shell that apparently came with the crystallization.

"Now that's titan hardening." You commented, looking around the ruined chapel. You wouldn't even consider it a chapel now that it's mainly Eren's crystallization. "Yeah. Even after getting him out, the titan didn't disappear. Pretty impressive, yeah?" Levi added, turning to face Eren.

"That bottle...oh, yeah! Right before I turned into a titan, I drank that 'Armor' bottle," Eren replied. Levi started walking over towards him. "Yeah. You couldn't do it at all before now, but you used the hardening power and saved all of us. In the blink of an eye, you devised and built all this." Levi started as he crouched in front of Eren. "But that means that it's now possible to plug the hole in Wall Maria."

Levi continued some speech about losing a bunch of enemies and allies, but now you all can finally plug in that hole in Wall Maria. Then you remembered that the serum makes the subject abnormally smart, so you have the next two years to plan and take down Humanity, destroying the walls or not. You figured if the Scouts almost got disbanded over a single murder once already, then it can happen again. This time you'll make sure the Scouts get disbanded, causing Humanity to think they're at peace until there's another titan attack. You'll have to find Bertolt and Reiner for that one, but that'll have to wait until you get the Scouts disbanded. But as of right now, you were Humanity's biggest enemy and no one knew it.

"Captain! We secured an exit!" A light voice, Sasha's, shouted from up top. Her and Connie were gliding down from some hole with their gear. Everyone looked up in their direction. "Armin and Mobilit are ok! Hange-san, too!" Sasha glanced at you for a millisecond then looked back at Levi as her feet landed on the ground. Without Levi saying anything, you immediately grappled up to the hole that Connie and Sasha came from and crawled out to find Mobilit standing next to a bloody Hange. You immediately sped over and tapped their shoulder, pulling their attention towards you.

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