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The clock chimed to indicate that is was now the hour of 7. The sound echoed off of the walls, a strange emptiness filled the room

I was sitting down in the living room waiting for my sister, Luna.

I heard the door crash against the wall, followed by some hushed voices that I could not distinguish. This undoubtedly indicated that I was not supposed to hear the conversation. I strained to hear what was being said.

I heard Luna, my sister, run up the stairs; I quickly rose from the sofa and followed her up.

"Luna, what's going on? You never slam the door."

She strategically ignored me, so I went in front of her and said with more force.

"What is going on?"

Luna grabbed a large Louis Vuitton bag, which I had purchased for her little more than a year ago, followed by her shoving half a wardrobe and contents of an entire drawer into it.

"It has to be like this...I can't do this anymore, I hate lying to you."

"Lying to me? About what in particular this time? I'm really perplexed, Luna."

"Me and Craig... We are getting married, OK? I know you don't like it bu-"

"No, you would be right in your presumption. I don't just dislike it, I despise and forbid it!" I bellowed.

"See? This is exactly the reason I wasn't going to say anything. You can't tell me how to live my life Justin! I'll do what I want, you are not my mother or my father so I don't have to listen to you."

"Luna!" I shouted at her, unable to express my anger at her "Will you just listen to me, Luna? This isn't real, he doesn't care about you. He's just using you! Can't you see?"

"No, You listen to me. You know nothing about love, nothing! If you recall, your fiancée just ran away to with some guy she met at a petrol station for crying out loud! So don't you dare try and give me your lectures on love"

I was stunned into silence by the insensitiveness of her words.

"That was low." I said darkly.

"It was not low. It was truth and it seems you cannot handle it" She paused briefly before continuing.

"I'm sorry ok? I yearn to be able to tell you that we'll meet again one day, but that's not going to happen. Sometimes when people say goodbye, it's only short-term. But I know your opinion on my choices so, you know that this is goodbye, and it's final. We won't be speaking again. We won't see each other again, ever. I'm sure the perception of finality is complex for you; after all we are both each other's only family. It's not simple to walk off on from that, so again I'm sorry. I know you'll have a wonderful life, seeing how successful you are I have no doubts in that whatsoever. I just can't be a part of it." A teardrop fell from her chocolate brown eyes and ran down her face, catching the light as it rolled down her cheek.

Without thinking, I took her in my arms and gave her one final embrace, her arms clasped around me in a vice like grip. Warm tears flowed down both our faces, i never wanted to let go.

"Please stay, I have no one else." I sobbed.

"Justin don't make this any harder for me." She howled

"Don't go then" I uttered as I released her unwillingly; Luna picked up her bags, her hip length auburn hair swung as she headed for the door, she left without another word or glance back at me and the life she had just let go of.

The moment she closed the door I knew that nothing would be the same again.

I tried to walk towards her but my feet felt like they were in quicksand, I couldn't prevent this outcome.

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