I woke up early, due to me still being able to hear the alarm clock, even down here.
I unravelled myself from Stacey as quietly and delicately as I could so I could shut off the alarm and get changed for work. I couldn't afford to take anymore time off.
I tiptoed up the stairs and into my room, where I put on my grey Ralph Lauren suit as noiselessly as possible, before heading back downstairs.
I saw Stacey fast asleep still on the couch, her face was free of worry lines in her sleep she looked so...so peaceful in her sleep, could she be anymore perfect?
I hated to wake her, but I had to let her know I was leaving just to make sure that she didn't panic when she woke up. I wasn't about to send her to wrok either I knew for a fact that she was not taking into consideration the events that had occured previously.
"Stacey?" I whispered whilst shaking her gently.
"Mhhmmm...?" She mumbled, still half asleep.
"I'm going to work now, I just thought I'd let you know. If you need me, phone in at reception." I kissed her lips once before turning and heading for the door.
"I'll come in." She called after me and started to get up.
"It's fine, you can stay at home, that was quite eventful yesterday..." I trailed off as I remembered her terrified face at the top of the stairs as she cried out my name in panic.
"Well why are you not staying?" She questioned whilst stroking the fresh cut on my cheek that Marcus had inflicted on me. I tried no to flinch.
"Because, I owe it to my father to keep the company running, Stacey. Without my presence, I couldn't achieve it."
"Well let me come with you, just because of everything that's happened, doesn't make me a different person, or you."
I could feel my resolve of making her stay slipping away, I did see her point.
"Stacey I can't in good conscience ask you to do that. You need time to rest, the last thing I need is you leaving too"
"I'll never leave you Justin. I 'll love you till the neds of this earth."
Touched, and softend, by her words I reluctantly agreed to it.
"Fine, but don't make me regret it." I kissed her and then told her "go put on some of my clothes."
We arrived at our destination in little more than 30 minutes, unfortunately having to take a cab.
Stacey was wearing my black skinny levis, although they were not on her, and a Mallory Knox T-shirt.
"No way...this is a joke right? Please tell me your not even considering taking me shopping here."
We were at Bond Street, London's most prestigious shopping street. It consisted of shops like Chanel, Tiffany&Co and Yves Saint Laurent. You know, all of those shops that girls are supposed to swoon over, not be terrified of.
"Do you think I would have taken the cab here if I was joking." I laughed, climbed out he car and opened the door for Stacey.
"No." She stated simply, her eyes set ahead, clearly she was not going to get out willingly.
I ducked through the door, picked her up and shut the door with my foot.
"Hey! What are you doing?! Put me down, Justin!!!" She cried out.
Many heads turned in our direction, a few passer-by's looked on at us in amusement.
" Are you going to behave if I do?" I whispered into her ear and kissed down to the corner of her lip.
"Yes..maybe..." She trailed off.
I set her on her feet and I handed the taxi driver the required money.
"Mr. Cooper, you do not play fair" She whined.
"Come on Stacey, I don't have all day." I chuckled and held out my hand, which she reluctantly took and we headed straight towards Chanel.
As we approached the doors, the security guards looked us over, recognizing me, and let us both in. The outside of the shop was stunning, with its wide windows, and bone white awnings. But the inside of it was glorious, the floors were beautiful in the same shade as the awnings, and there were products all set up in the most unique way. Bags, clothes and perfumes lined the shop and took Staceys breath away.
"How the hell am I going to afford this?" Stacey exclaimed under her breath.
"I'm not telling you again Stacey." I dragged her towards the bags.
"Here pick one." I gestured to the rows of bags that seemed incomprehensible.
"It's your money, you pick." She went up on her tiptoes and went to kiss my cheek but I moved delibaratly so her lips touched mine.
I loved her so much. This girl was wrapped in mystery, her eyes held more secrets than my soul could possibly bare, but it always seems that the prettiest faces have always got the saddest stories to tell.
"So, what's it going to be?"
Stacey shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably.
This was going to be a long morning....
"Here's what we will do. Pick what you like, and I'll give you my opinion" I leaned down and whispered into her ear.
She looked around the room before saying "I don't want this to sound ungrateful, becauser really I am so thankful. But this is just going to fast, Justin. I can't get my head around everything." She was grasping my hand tightly as if she was afraid I would slip through her fingers like sand.
"I just wan't you to be happy."

Secrets of an outcast
Roman d'amour**will eventually undergo major editing, this was written a long time ago. I don't want to abandon the characters but I'm not happy with how fast the characters developed. Thanks to all for your continued support** Justin Cooper, at the young age of...