I decided to take relaxing hot shower, as the water cascaded over my tense body I felt my muscles unknot and with it, I gained a sort of laid back feeling.
I managed to summon the will to drag myself out from underneath the water and I was finally in my pyjamas.
I was so ready to crawl into bed.
I have a heated mattress which is accommodating in the harsh winters of the UK, even with the heating on it was still arctic. Well maybe it's just me because was one of them people who got frozen very easily.
As soon as the light was switched off my Iphone buzzed to indicate a text had come through, I was very curious as to who would message me at 10:30pm.
From: [Hidden Number]
To: Cooper, Justin.
Just to inform you Cooper, I know what you're up too and I know what your about looking for girls to use . I really do suggest you stay away from her. Or you have me to deal with and we both know you wouldn't like that. Just thought you should be told before it's too late for you aswell. And don't try showing this to the cops,I know where to find you.
What? Too late for me aswell?
Who the hell does this person think they are?
This has to be the most peculiar thing that has ever happened to me; maybe it's some practical joke, which really isn't funny. In the back of my mind I was panicking on whether they really knew where I lived, It was unlikely that they knew where my house was but they knew where I worked, In fact most of Europe does.
I thought, if I found out who it was and they work for me, then they will need to find a new job.
I placed my phone back on the cabinet, bewildered, and I debated on whether I should make a call to a member of my security. But it was too late so I closed my eyes and drifted off into a well-deserved sleep.
Thursday had finally arrived, and all I had to show for it was a ravaged soul.
I missed Luna intolerably.
She was the only family I had left after my father and my mother...
Not wanting to dwell on the past any longer I tried to clear my head. The time on my clock displayed 11am.
I stretched out under the cream covers, thankful for an undisturbed sleep in a warm bed as opposed to the floor, and then peeled them off so I could go and hunt down some coffee to get some caffine flowing in my veins.
I walked there in just my boxers, somehow shedding my pyjamas at some point in the night.After leaving the kettle to boil I walked to the front room window that had condensation across the edges, and gazed out of it, recognizing the houses that surrounded mine. They all looked very similar to mine with the grey brick, but they were just on a much smaller scale.
I turned my vision further down the street and watched people get on with their lives.
And then a new theory about the text I had received last night hit me like a train of stupidity, was it the man who had put-or more like shoved- Stacey into the car?
I had a strong feeling that it was the same person who had sent me that perplexing text last night. Of course it was stupid of me to think this, but who else could it be? I knew for a fact that none of my employees where stupid enough do this, despite my allegations last night
Oh, I had time to fret about it later. Now I had coffee and a day off to enjoy.
I poured the boiling water out of the red kettle into my Mallory Knox mug, still half asleep.
After making my coffee I dragged myself towards the lounge, hunched over and sat on the sofa. I switched the TV and flicked half heartedly through the channels for some daytime television that didn't make me want to fall asleep.
My phone buzzed, signalling an incoming call. I winced as I spilt hot coffee on my bare leg.
I let it ring a few times before I finally answered.
What now? I don't have to work this Thursday! It would be great if just one single day could pass without a commotion."Justin Cooper speaking" I slurred, then yawned. How proffessional.
"Justin, sorry to wake you at this hour but IT has found an E-mail sent to Stacey Penkins I think is a threat. You should probably come and see, it looks pretty serious..."
"Can't you forward it to me?" I yawned
"I don't believe this is the sort of content you want to just be sent"
I shouted "I will come in on my only day off for 3 weeks to examine a message"
"Sorry, Sir."
"I'll be there soon." I hung up.
I knew that owning a company would be a huge responsibility when I inherited it, but I thought I could at least take a day off without a commotion.

Secrets of an outcast
Roman d'amour**will eventually undergo major editing, this was written a long time ago. I don't want to abandon the characters but I'm not happy with how fast the characters developed. Thanks to all for your continued support** Justin Cooper, at the young age of...