I awoke with a jolt, not even remembering falling asleep, caused by my phone buzzing.
"Justin Cooper speaking" I yawned
"Justin, it's Jared again. Just wondering if you needed me to pick you up in my Jaguar." He said politely.
"Oh, whats the time" I asked,dazed.
"just gone 9 Sir."
"Sure, Jared that would be good. I need to buy a new car today I can't keep making you drive me around...Which reminds me, have you heard from Cameron?"
"No sir" I heard the engine start "He just stormed out yesterday at the mention of your name"
I rolled my eyes "Oh he'll get over it. If he does not, its no great loss. See you soon." I was about to end the call but I heard Jared say my name.
"Are you sure you should be in work today, Sir? You know, after yesterday."
"I'll be fine" I hung up, and put a suit on that was hanging on the back of my door.
I went back to sitting on my sofa, put my head in my hands and ran my fingers through them. I noticed if I applied a slight amount of pressure on my head, I stung almost as bad as when I hit it
"Argh!" I cried, I looked at my hands and they had blood on them, what the hell?
I dashed to the kitchen and put a damp black dishcloth on my head. I must have pulled at a scab when I ran my hands through my hair.
I started to walk to the front door, dishcloth still held to my head, and opened it for some fresh air.
The pain became a thousand times worse, it was unendurable, I stood with my shoulders hunched leaning against the wall and silently praying that the pain would cease.
The sound of the Jaguars engine approached, shortly followed by rushing footsteps.
I sunk to the floor moments before Jared bustled into the room.
"Sir! What happened?" Jared exclaimed.
"I just hurt my head again, give me a second." I pled.
It was a good few minutes before the pain had dulled I had found the will to raise myself from the floor,Jared opened his mouth, but made the wise decision to close it when I glared at him, I tossed the cloth into the bin.
We arrived at Alpha within the following 10 minutes, I didn't bother exchanging pleasantries with the reception, but I just headed straight to my office.
I sat down on my chair and began jotting down ideas for improvements and pondered whether I should tighten the rules on what can be sent in Emails.
I was interrupted by a tap on the door.
"Enter." I peered up from my paper and saw Stacey.
She was dressed in a black shift dress, a red belt with a little bow on it and a pair of black heels. I noticed that the dress had a few small holes and a tear in it, in addition the shoes looked as if she had worn them for years.
"Hello, Justin." She forged a smile.
"What can I do for you Stacey? I trust you got home safely then."
"Yes I did thank you and I just wanted to know if you would like a coffee." She said softly.
"It's fine , thats not your job, but thank you" I grinned.
"Well I was going to get one anyway" She was mystified.
"I just remembered!" I said enthusiastically.
"Yeah?" She questioned my sanity.
"Jared and I go for coffee, would you like to come?" I offered, not bothering to contain my sudden burst of elation.
She blushed lightly and smiled but as she thought something through her face darkened slightly.
"I'm not sure if that's a good idea..." She was still thinking
"We should be going in about 10 minutes if you change your mind let me know"
"You know what? I want coffee. Where should I meet you?" She asked quietly
"Outside my office" I glanced at my watch "Let's say, 5 minutes?"
"Of course. See you" she walked the short distance back to her office.
I stared at the lines in my desk, raking my eyes along each little indentation in the table wondering how they all came to be there. I didn't know what kind of attraction Stacey had to me but I knew what I had for her.
I also was curious on why she seemed so nervous around people, men in particular. I made a silent prayer that she didn't think of all men as bad.
Secrets of an outcast
Romance**will eventually undergo major editing, this was written a long time ago. I don't want to abandon the characters but I'm not happy with how fast the characters developed. Thanks to all for your continued support** Justin Cooper, at the young age of...