It took us another 30 minutes to get to my house, the reason being that Stacey's dress decided to split up the side so we had to walk home extra cautiously.
I opened the door and Stacey gasped in shock, we stood in the doorway in silence.
"Well, this is it." I said at last, feeling a little ostentatious.
"This is it? Your house is about 4 times as big as mine!" She laughed, I joined in.
I kicked the door shut with my foot.
"Can I take your jacket?"
"You mean your jacket."
"Yes, I mean mine" I laughed again, I was so at ease with her.
I stood behind her and took hold of the corners of my jacket; I slid it slowly off her, my fingers brushed her shoulders and I felt her shiver soflty. I hung it on the peg adjacent to me.
"Would you like to follow me to the kitchen?"
We walked through the hallway into my vast kitchen. It had black marble tiles, cherry red walls and a sleek, modern table in the centre, surrounded by enough stools to seat 6 people. Whilst Stacey was exploring the room I begun making us coffee.
"What am I supposed to do about my dress?" Her voice was panicked and barely above a whisper.
"There's a pair of tracksuit bottoms and some t-shirts in my wardrobe upstairs, they will be too big, but help yourself."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes of course I'm sure." I chuckled
She gave me a small smirk and went upstairs.
After finishing up I proceed towards the lounge, placed the coffees down on coasters and dumped myself on the couch, as I awaited Stacey's return I switched on the TV and stared unseeingly at it.
Footsteps alerted me of her return.
"I look ridiculous." She said through the door.
"I strongly doubt that, Stacey."
"Don't laugh." She pleaded as she strolled through the door.
My red Adidas tracksuit bottoms were too big on her but she looked far from stupid.
"What's to laugh about?" I said sincerely.
She crossed over to me and sat down, leaving just a few inches between us.
"Here's your coffee, careful it's very hot" I passed it to her.
We both sat watching the TV until I decided it was time to talk.
"Listen Stacey, I'm going to make an apology for the kiss earlier. I don't know what came over me. Looking back, I can't believe that it did that, it was stupid. Even if I explain my actions, it still doesn't validate why I did it, I hope you can forgive me for what I did and put this matter behind us. If you have anything on your mind regarding this, please tell me."
"Justin..." She appeared to be speechless.
"You don't have to say anything now, I just thought that I should make an apology I wasn't very polite or gentlmanly and believe me, I had no intention of making you feel uncomfortable" I told her genuinely, and I noticed, as she moved her arm, a long scar marred the length of it.
"Stacey, your arm" I was shocked.
"It's nothing." She tried to cover it.
"May I look?" I requested.
She untucked her arm, held it out to me and I traced it with my index finger.
It was a very odd shaped scar; it was jagged like a lightning bolt.
I felt the overwhelming urge to pull my hand away so I didn't have to witness anymore, my heart was coated in a layer of ice because I couldn't understand why someone would want to do this.
"Does it still hurt?" I asked her despondently.
"Not anymore." She shivered at the unpleasant memory.
"How did you get it? If you don't mind me asking." I said gently.
"It's kind of a long story..."
"I've got time."
"I'll try to make it short. A combination of drink,drugs and cigarettes made an unpleasant outcome."
I stroked her cheek with my thumb comfortingly and uttered an apology as a tear ran down my face.
She inclined into my touch with her eyes closed, as she did this the contents of the mug she was holding spilt onto the chair and carpet.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry." She screamed surprisingly loud.
"It's ok; I'll go and get a cloth." I said in a soft voice.
"It's not ok I just ruined your house! Please, let me clean it up."
"You did not just ruin my house Stacey, don't be daft." I tried to comfort her.
Her breathing accelerated rapidly, she was drawing in breaths faster than I could count.
"Stacey! Calm down now, you're hyperventilating." Stacey was having a very dramatic response to the current situation.
All she did was spill coffee onto my floor I thought to myself.
"Justin-I-Can't- breathe!" She choked, her hand clutched onto my arm and she gave me the most fearful expression I had ever seen on an individual.
In a hasty decision I picked her up the gentlest I could and carried her up to the spare bedroom, then placed her down on the bed.
"Stacey? Can you hear me?" I asked softly.
She did not reply.
"Stacey?" I shook her lightly.
Again, no response.

Secrets of an outcast
Romance**will eventually undergo major editing, this was written a long time ago. I don't want to abandon the characters but I'm not happy with how fast the characters developed. Thanks to all for your continued support** Justin Cooper, at the young age of...