It hurts.

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Till now the tears had made a pool in your eyes. But you wiped them not letting the liquid fall off. A long sigh made its way from your lips. Now this is a part of your daily routine. The day's start is always with bad flashbacks. And body aching pain.


You checked the time to see it was 5:30. You had to go to school too. You caught hold of the furniture and tried to get up from bed. At last, after a big struggle, you reached the bathroom door. You took a hot bath and came out wearing oversized cloths with made you look fat, by fat it means very fat and short. You took some seconds to glance at the clock to see its 6:00. So, you had time to eat breakfast. It was better for you that you were up early. You went down and checked all the cabinets only to see dry bread and you thought of eating it with butter. You opened the fridge only to get you face. Away from it and your nose pinched between your thumb and index finger, because of the strong alcohol smell hitting my nose. But somehow you got your butter out. You sighed looking at how the fridge was full of alcohol bottles. 'How anyone would say that he is poor after seeing the fridge.' Were your thoughts. You are so habitual to call him master than even in his absence and thoughts you call him master. The butter also had a light smell of alcohol. But you still thought of eating it as you were hungry. You even have to make breakfast for him. You get yourself to the point till you are ready and do everything as fast as you could. You then set off for the school. 

Till the time you reached school you were neither late nor early. Just on the perfect time. Aren't you meant to be perfect? You got a very wired school it never has restricted anyone from doing things. It doesn't have rules. Anyone can leave anytime. No means no discipline and this school charges less so its agreeable for parents to send their kids here. Everyone is at gain here unless and until it comes to you. The school is too, worse for you. You went into your respective class attending the lectures and took a note of all important notes necessary or likely to help you in the exams. You don't top in the exams, but you are at the average rate. You have a bestie only one but even he doesn't know in what hurricane are you living in. YOU like him actually live him. He is the only one who cares for you supports you makes you feel special, happy. no one can ever make you feel like what he does and, in such conditions, how would anyone expect you to not to fall in love with him. It's obvious and the main things its ok. He is handsome tall and a sweet boy. Just as a girl's expectations. He is the best guy. While you are black, ugly and a short girl. Who would like me? I myself don't like me '. These are your thoughts. A long sigh left your as you think this.


You always do meet your best friend in the lunch break. It's better for you that him and you are in the same school. He is the same age as you walked into the school's art gallery. Different photos, drawings hanged on the wall as you went past them. Beautiful scenes portraits and sketches were your favorite things to look at. This is where you both meet during every lunch break, it's like your meeting spot. There is a big window on the left side of the room from where a beautiful garden is visible it always gives a peaceful feeling but today you don't feel like what you fell every day. You feel as if something wrong is going to happen. But before you could think further you got flinched out of your thoughts as someone screamed, '''Happy birthday y/n''. 

"Woah! Today is my birthday [?]" you say in a questioning tone. 

''Woah you don't even remember your own birthday what a great deal dummy." That voice says mocking you in a joking way. 

"Yeah, your friend y/n is made to do great deals mark.'' You say proudly while folding your hands on your chest. 

''You are a idiot what great deal will you do dummy. He again says joking. 

''Don't call me by that name mark you know how much I hate it ''. You say in an angry, frustrated tone 

''OK chill my bro I brought same chocolate for your birthday. ''He says handing you the chocolates. 

''Thank yo-''someone cuts you in the middle on the sentences. 

''mark, I want to tell you something important.'' the voices interrupting your conversation says 

''Lina! You! want to tell you something to me?" Mark says astonished. 

"Yeah... Is there any problem? Look if you don't have time then we can talk later on." Lina says eyeing you up and down. 

"No no you can tell me of course do have time... for you." He says the 'for you' in a whisper but you hear it. It pierces your heart into two. 

"I love you, Mark" say Lina. Hearing this your world stops and you could hear your heart getting cracks. But you being yourself had hopes that he didn't like her maybe what you heard some seconds ago was wrong but to your dismay Mark says "Lina... I love you too.' You wished you could have become deaf before you could hear this you world shatters hither and tither in pieces. Mark and Lina both had wide smiles on their faces. what hurt you more was that he never mentioned about her to you. You were very sad but then you realized that you had to put on that happy mask which you do always, but it was for him today. It was a happy moment and you had to show that you were happy after all this, he had always been there for you and you could do anything to repay it. You pull a bright smile on your face just for him. 

"Mark, I don't know how but I fell in love with you. It was slow but too hard. Now this feeling can't be stopped, the more I try to hide the more it grows you are just too adorable...Willl you be my boyfriend? " Asks Lina all blushing and this question had to be the complete end of you you were done with everything with your life. 

"Yes, Lina I would love to be your boyfriend" he says as you start acting. 

'Woah! My bestie has a girlfriend I am so happy for you, I-I will come to meet you tomorrow, Mark, enjoy your time bye!" You bid your goodbyes and left without listen to their calls. You were at the verge of crying, but you held your tears in and got out of the school. In this small suburb of yours in which you live, there is a small cafe, but it is famous. Inspite of being crowed it used to be peaceful and one of your favorite cafes. Your feet magically took you there as if a type of force worked on them. you found a cornered sit for yourself and sat there. You didn't wanted to bother anyone by your problems. As soon as you sat on the chair all the flashback hit you like a train. The tears pooled up and started flowing in no time. You too didn't insist. Your face was all messily covered with them, but you couldn't care less. The thought s going on in your mind were more depressing and disturbing to care about tears. The only one you loved the only one who accepted you as you are, was taken away from you. 

There was a hidden reason behind it you didn't knew. IT remains in folds. What God has done to you is for better you deserve better without any doubt. The best plan is made by God for you. You will unfold some secrets which only one person in the whole multiverse gets to know. Just trusting on God is the best thing.



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