The Routine

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How the world actually is? The angels are full of scars and the demons with smiling faces. Isn't it true? Maybe lucifer isn't just a cruel deity he is assumed as; the world might have made him. Like in the Maui's story he took Tefiti's heart for the people to like him but because of spreading darkness he became a bad example. But where was his mistake? His parents abandoned him just because he was black, where has been his mistake? The mistake has been no where but rather in the understanding. The world has been cruel to everyone at least once in their own story. But what about y/n; the world has always been cruel to her. She couldn't even get birth peacefully; without losing her mother. But she doesn't knows a secret. Hidden in the pains and the curves life has been throwing at her. She's special as she was always meant to be. There is no one as special as her there is no one like her. She doesn't have a replacement. people will regret who will lose her, it is going to their loss not hers. And then she won't ever turn back unless and until they really do deserve a forgiveness. The pain given to her by the universe is for something real good change coming for her. Which would bring all the positive things in her way. This pain would worth everything after the secrets unfolds. She doesn't knows her value. She is meant to be known as more than just a human being. She is something the world needs the universe needs while she stands unknown of it.

You woke up not even being able to move a muscle because of the pain you felt. 


"Hey slut, back home! Go in the bedroom right now, you are already late, now don't make me wait anymore." The man who was purely drunk says in a warning tone. You started shivering hearing his voice, but you insisted "No master please not today you did it yesterday too please, please I beg to you please don't." you had to call him master he didn't like you calling him dad. "Don't make me wait you bitchy whore go in the bedroom and get totally stripped understood?!" He said not wanting to listen you. Every word you speck is shit for him. But you think of insisting a little more thinking it won't go in vain. "Master please don't I beg to you on my knees to you "You say expecting a little mercy but forget about him being a devil. "Keep begging I love it my pretty little whore.' your tears were falling like waterfall, and you don't have thoughts of stopping them. You can't do anything he rapes you almost every night and even sells you to some mafias who just want to fuck day and night. "Master please stop." You say in a tired, helpless and pitiful voice. He just chuckled evilly. "Let the night begin."


Till now the tears had made a pool in your eyes. But you wiped them not letting  the liquid fall off. A long sigh made its way from your lips. Now this is a part of your daily routine. The day's start is always with bad flashbacks. And body aching pain.



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