Return of ____

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You hesitantly opened the door and went inside. To your surprise the lights were off. You went in your room silently not wanting to make any noise. You thought of writing all the things which happened today in your diary. The meeting of Jungkook was highlighted in your diary. This was weird that your day was a little peaceful than the other ones. You were scared of what the rising sun had for you in your fate.


Today you peacefully slept until 6 'o' clock, today you woke up late, but you were still sleepy. May be because you didn't got rest for many days. You got up yawning and stretching your body. You got yourself as your daily routine and started walking your way to school. While you reached to the school's gate you heard someone calling your name out. You smiled and thought that it was Jungkook. 

Your smile dropped as soon as you realized that it was Mark. He was regretting his mistake. He knew he had played a role of betrayer in your life and was ashamed of himself. He knew he was the only one you had. If he was here for forgiveness, you would forgive him but won't be friends with him again you won't repeat your mistake. He was partly here for convincing you too. 

"y/n, y/n, y/n, y/n!! Listen, look I am sorry. I knew you had only me but still stayed with Lina. I have realized my mistake please forgive me I will never repeat this again. Please." He apologizes feeling guilty. 

"So now you are done, right? Let me leave I have lectures to attend."  You said with an uninterested face and in a cold tone. 

"No, no, no y/n please forgive me. Please, I can't afford losing you, please I beg you!" Mark says joining his hands in front of you kneeling down as tears cover his face. 

"Oh! now you are finally realizing that you do have a friend whom you can't lose thank you for not forgetting me Mr. Mark." You say freaking out you knew if he didn't stop then this was going you get converted into a heated argument where on one side, he would just be begging you to stay. 

"No y/n actually Lina she... Lina... Actually, she broke up with me." He says in a faint tone sobbing bitterly. But you knew you weren't going to pity on him. 

"Oh! so now that your pretty girlfriend is gone you remember me! Great deal Mark! And why should I even care about it!?!?Who are you to me? Or who is Lina to me? Now that you have lost her you remember me. While me I used to wait at the school's gallery for you every single day. Wishing someday you will come remembering me, remembering your childhood friend and what do you think I need you?! No, I don't need you at all. Now you can go and stop bothering me for god's sake." You hear him sigh after you finish you speech, he gets on his feet. You were happy that at least he knew that you were stubborn. 

"Ok but... at least can you forgive me?" He says softly in a defeated tone. 

"I forgave you a long time ago Mark when you didn't even knew your mistake. Just don't ever cross me again. Our paths are parted from now on." You say glaring at him.

"I am sorry-" You walk turning back as h cuts himself and turns back to exit the school. He lowered his head knowing he lost someone who and loved for him like no one could ever. He had realized his mistake and he was regretting it. He was sad but you couldn't care less. Now you have better friends, and you don't need him by your side. You have got better ones by your side.

"Y/n" Some calls you as you were walking to the stairs. 

You sigh irritatedly thinking it was Mark again. "Now what is remaining Mark- Oh! Jungkook." You breathe in relief knowing Mrak wasn't going to bother you anymore.

"You took me as someone else. You have other friends too? You didn't let me know about them. I thought you were an introvert." Jungkook says looking at you with his Bambi eyes.

"Nope it's not like that he just he just wanted an answer that's it he was just bothering me from a long time for that answer nothing else." You lie to Jungkook not wanting to break his heart.

"Hmm... alright let's go the classes are about to start." He says as you both resume walking.

"Today I won't be able to come at the cafe." He says in a low and sad tone. 

"It's totally alright Jungkook." You say wanting to lighten up his mood.

"I am sorry." He says apologizing.

"No need." You say immediately chuckling after that.

"Bye y/n meet me in the school's gallery while lunch time." He speaks.

"Yes, ok bye." You bid goodbyes to each other and walk to your respective classes.



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