Bitter Memories

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"Surprised? I love giving surprises. Go and talk to your best friends Jimin and Tae. You like them. You smile with them. You laugh with them. You feel happy and content with them but now what are you going to do poor girl?" He spoke.

"Jungkook you!" You say still not able to believe all this.

"Yeah, poor thing I was the one." Honestly you were scared from this side of Jungkook. He was passing very creepy psychopathic vibes.

"Now die here bitch and I have to compliment your father's choice rosy lips, nice curves, big boo-"

"Jungkook please stop." You say cutting him in a pleading voice.

"Haha girlie stay here. I love this look on your face just as pathetic as you."


Once Jungkook went out you somehow got up by takin the support of the floor and the wall. Your stomach still hurts. You cleaned yourself, got your bag and stepped out of the school. You went to Bikashi park. It was all silent and peaceful there but the monsters here in your head were dancing wild. 

You changed your clothes and wore a mask wanting no one to identify you. You were sure of one thing; you were going to the cafe even if master comes to know or Jungkook knows you were going to cafe. You were all ready for consequences. But someone who knew this was worried sick for you. 

Then in your time you went to the cafe keeping your mask. Today the cafe seemed to be purely crowded. But you went in and sat quietly knowing their break would start soon. No doubt you were early today. You just wanted to meet them see them. Jimin came to you as the break started but Taehyung as looking at you with worried expression from far away. 

"She still came." He whispers to himself. He came and sat quietly beside you and looked at you with a worried expression. 

"Y/n, why did you still come?" He asked you in a low worried tone. 

"W-What do you mean b-by still came? I-I was going to come anyways, I-I always do. Why a-are you asking such a question?" You reply a little stunned.

"Y/n... I know your caretaker whoever he is, doesn't want you to meet us. Today morning I was outside your house. I was just going to knock on your door when I heard, 'Don't you dare you talk to that Jimin and Taehyung'. Then I just... walked away." He says after sighing. 

" I am sorry Tae you had to hear all this. It's just that... I can't ignore you guys just to obey him. He-He just- I can't." You said not wanting to reveal the truth. You always thought that people would hat you if they would know this truth. That's why you never told this to Mark too. 

"I know dear, but you should listen to him-" He was cut off by you. 

"You just don't know him Tae. So, you are blurting such things out. He is just a-. Let it be... It's better if we shut this topic down." You say a little sternly getting them off guard. 

"You know you can tell us... anything. If you are comfortable." Jimin says in his usual honey sweet voice. 

"Oh Chim... You are so sweet. It's just that- you guys would hate if I tell you guys this." You say looking down. You orbs immediately fleet back to your arm on the table which was caressed softly by Jimin. 

"Why would we hate you?!" It was an innocent question by Taehyung but it forcingly brought your ming back to your dark past. 

"Yesterday too y/n you were saying such things. Why do I feel that you are going through something worst. I always find you looking down on yourself." Jimin says looking worried for you. He was as well as Tae-Hyung. "Chimchim... I will tell you guys everything from the start. It starts from before....


Before your birth, your fell in love with a man. He also loved her back with his whole heart. When her brother came to now about this, he stalked her. He saw her meeting a boy at different nights. They used to spend time together. After this he didn't wait and told to everyone as they lived in a joint family. They all decided to get her married behind her back but with another person. Your family belonged from a higher caste while the boy she loved didn't. Your mom couldn't insist and when she would they would threaten her with his life, her love. She married to save her love's life. They forcefully married her to another man. They were living peacefully the man she was married to was sweet but who knew what he hid from the world. Your mom, she still used to meet her love while her husband was busy working. One day shockingly she came to knew she was pregnant she kept it hidden for some time. She did DNA tests and it showed that the baby was of her husband. When she told this to her love, he got a heart attack. He never let her know that he was a heart patient he didn't wanted her to worry about him and his hear disease was detected after she got married. The doctors declared that he was dead when your mom took him to the hospital. She left from there after letting the doctors know about his relatives. When your mom's family came to know about this, they were happy that he was finally dead. But they didn't know in which hurricane did they have forced their daughter in to. They had no idea of it nor did your mom. Actually, mom didn't have any danger, but it was someone else. After some days they came to know that the child in the womb was a girl. No one wanted a girl. They didn't want her and as a first born, never... they would have aborted the baby. But because of your mom's stubbornness and wish they decided to keep it. Her husband too hated the idea of the eldest girl. While giving birth the Babygirl your mom died. After that incident everyone thought that the girl was disgrace to the family a curse and would only bring bad things to them. Everyone hated the Babygirl which was you. You were always told that you are a disgrace, till today. You went through a humiliating life. Your father thought that you were the reason for your mom's death, he loved his wife too much. He had always blamed you with it till today. He is the reason behind how you always backed up and didn't stand up for yourself. He didn't used to give you enough food and you were just three at that time. You remember once that your grandmom visited your place and when she saw you playing in front of the door, she warned your father that she wouldn't step into this house again if she is welcomed by the disgrace. Everyone only said harsh words to you which ripped through your pure innocent soft heart. Especially your dad he just knew that which words said in what way would hurt the most. You still remember the first slap from when you were just three. He slapped you without any reason. He just came home mad about something or someone but where was your fault. You were always so innocent. And his words were like daggers piercing your chest apart. He slapped you as if by doing this he was pitying on you. He always said bad about you making you feel down, underserving. And making you feel like this was his one of the favorite things. He always looked down on you and he still does. Then when you became 9, he began to rape you and when the neighbors asked about the screams, he declared that you were crazy. You used to beg for his mercy scream for him to stop beg for him to come in his huminitic form, but it looked like he didn't have one. He even started selling you, objectifying you. He used to sell you to the underground mafias corrupted people and in return used to have a lot and lots of money. He used that money to get drinks and drugs for himself. When you turned 10, he began to do all this more often and now it's every day. You hate going home and rather than going there you felt safer outside. 

"I hate being in that dreadful mansion of that merciless Satan resting inside. He is the demon on the earth." You blurt a sentence out thinking it didn't have any meaning hidden. Jimin calmed you gently rubbing your back and Taehyung was too shocked to say or do anything.



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