The Game Has Started

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You reached to your destination and started working. But today you saw some unfamiliarly familiar guests. These days you have been finding everyone familiar, so you ignored this feeling too. You wanted to approach them, but you couldn't it felt like something important was going on between them. You were scared that you will enter in wrong timing and in the wrong conversation because no one of them were smiling everyone had that cold stone plain expression on their faces. They looked like businessmen wearing black coat black pants and a black shirt very formal wasn't it. They sat in the resto bar for a long time for almost four hours, so you guess that they were having a meeting. They said thank you to the waiter and left tip for him this showed that they were polite. You were happy that such gentlemen still do exist.

But do you really have a good idea about them? Were they really as seemed? Them being in the restaurant for a long time shouldn't bug you right?


Your shift came to an end as without wasting any time, taking all your belongings you brought with yourself, you started to walk your way back home. You didn't want to be followed again it felt so creepy. But was it going to happen as you wish? Of course not. To your dismay you were again able to hear the voice which the footsteps behind you made. They were slower than your heart's rate but perfectly aligned to your walk. You had your heart beating fast and ridiculously hard in your chest. You were able to hear your ringing heart loudly against your ear. You turned around and your soul left your body as you felt nothing below your legs you felt numb, you found no one behind you. But then you noticed a white cloth at the side leaning on the wall it was hiding something in the sense your follower. You wanted to know who it was so gathering whatever courage you had left at the point you take slow and cautious steps towards that direction. You slowly caught hold of that cloth and pulled it downwards to see nothing beneath it. You screamed and started running in the opposite direction and bumped into someone. 

"Are you alright y/n?" That voice asks you shaking your body lightly. You looked and to your relief it was Jimin. 

"Ji-Ji-Ji-Jimin I-I saw-" You were panting badly sweat had covered all of you. Your words came out to be broken. But you knew he was there for you. 

"Shhhh! I am here I am with you first clam down I am not going anywhere. I am with you." His soothing honey sweet voice works equally as a spell on you. Your breath became normal. you were calm now in his presence because of his presence. 

"Jimin look now I know that I might sound as if a psychopath, but it is true it happened in front of me. I saw cloth which was covering something and when I pulled it off nothing was beneath it." You say everything calmly wanting him to understand everything. 

"Ok let us go and check upon that place once again." You nod in agreement grabbing his hand and take him with you there practically pull him to that spot. When you reached to that spot you left his hand and started searching for that specific white colored cloth. But that cloth wasn't seen by both of you. You turned to Jimin scared that he would think you are hallucinating. You didn't want to come as a psycho in front of him at least. 

"It was just right there, Jimin trust me I am not lying. Trust me I saw it right there, you trust me, don't you? I am not lying at all." You say pointing towards where you saw that cloth earlier, panicking but speaking the truth. He cups your cheeks. 

"Shhh... I trust you cupcake calm down. The cloth may have disappeared somewhere here, we can't find it in such darkness, right? I trust you ok? calm down sweetheart." He whispers magic words in your ears. He flinched when a body hugged him. It was you, you hugged him. Right in the place you were scared. 

"Ji-Jimin you know from yesterday I feel followed, like someone follows me, my way to the restaurant and home. Jimin-ah I feel stalked." You say crying clutching his shirt tight in your fists. You were weak to stand so you slowly lowered yourself and with you he too sat down on the floor. You had you close to him. One hand on your waist showing his protectiveness for you unconsciously. 

"Y-Y/n you ae crying! Please don't cry, please cupcake. Won't you stop crying for your chimchim? Please don't cry my muffin, my sweetheart doesn't cry you know. I beg please stop crying that tears of yours hurt me dumpling." Words spilling out of his lips as he couldn't see you in such state. His heart clenched seeing you like this. 

"Look what mess have you made of yourself dumpling don't cry please?" He feels that you had stopped crying so backs away from the hug cupping your cheeks again but this time to wipe your tears. He makes you look at him. 

"Jimin, you won't hate me, right? you ask him unsure of his answer. You looked deep in his eyes. 

"Huh! Why would I hate you sweetie? Why are you asking such things? Have you gone mad sweetie! I will always be there for you promise." He says but you stare in his doe eyes searching for a lie, but you couldn't find one. There was just belief truth care for you. 

"Thanks Minnie you are my hero. I really do owe you a big one. I never you would trust me on this thing, but you did. Thank you so much... For everything till today." You say with taking pauses. Hearing you a lighthearted chuckle was heard from him. 

"You going to thank your friend? Idiot" he says making the atmosphere light as it always used to be with him. 

"But this is making me do so, you being present during such a horrifying event is making me do so." You say calmly looking into his eyes. 

"Now you should ga home it's too late." He says looking at his wristwatch. He helps you get on your feet with himself. 

"Yes, you are right and once again th-" You were cut off by him. 

"Now go before you start your chant of 'thank yous' Miss y/n, will you?" He says as a wide smile covers your face. You chuckle and start walking your way back home. 

He watches your figure disappear from his sight and when it does, he says, "Don't even dare to trouble her more than this or you will see the worse me. Don't even think about it understood? She still stands unknown of it." Jimin says looking in the blank space. But he knows that someone somewhere was able to hear him. That someone maybe standing anywhere in Jimin's surroundings and Jimin was aware about it he knew it. Jimin looked around him for some more time checked the surroundings and walked away from there with an irritated expression plastered on his face. He knew that the massage was received be the one who needed to know about it. 

After Jimin completely going from there a figure appeared and said, "I will see how you protect that restaurant girl, cafe boy." The figure was staring on the path where Jimin went from and smirks before disappearing again.



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