[36] The Old Monarch

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You hesitate to ask Bowser to go outside, but at this point, you can't keep fearing him saying no to everything. "Is it okay if I venture out near here? It'd be nice to get familiar with the surrounding area." You ask nicely after finishing your last pending duty.

Bowser shrugs. "I guess it's all right; being cooped up inside all day is no fun." His response brightens your mood.

"Great! I'm going to get ready then!" You happily express, preparing to run out until the man speaks up.

"Do... you need a guide?" His face is that of a person nervously asking for directions.

As much as you want him to come with you, you do the impossible and refrain from your emotions. "I'm okay for now. But next time, for sure." You playfully wink. "I need to be alone for a bit." You lie easily, your words hurting your being, but it's for the best.

His expression fades, and he turns away. "Alright, just be safe and come back soon."

You pout and reply in a cheerful tone to hide the fact. "Okay!" You run out and head to your room.

He wanted to accompany me, and he worried.

Could this be a step in the right direction?

You squeal in delight just imagining it. Changing out of your work clothes and into your regular attire, you take your usual belongings and head out. You gotten used to the boiling lava and heat in which you pass by without it making you sweat bullets.

And with an important question in mind, you couldn't think about anything else.

All stories and past interactions point toward the former castle to discover the identity of the old monarch who was in Junior and Bowser's lives at some point in time.

Hopping over the stones, branches, and other opposing objects, you arrive at the ruins.

It remains as it was left when the Shy Guys took you. 

The doors are partially open, and you forcefully open them enough to squeeze in. 

Immediately seeing where the alleged painting resided halfway up the stairs. Climbing up the steps, you take one good look at the sheet before grabbing it and pulling it down with great force as it's heavier than it led on. 

A wave of dust hit the ground, reaching your lungs. You cough and fan away the clouds. Once you stop, your mouth hangs gape as your eyes are glued to the canvas.

Hand-painted every detail was a sitting portrait of the former Queen of the Dark Lands.

Bowser's wife.

You take a step back and examine the woman.

A complexion as pure as freshly fallen snow. Her hair is a radiant shade of yellow, reminiscent of the warm glow of the sun. She's donning an exquisite gown with lovely accessories that complement her striking appearance. Her eyes are a mesmerizing blue, sparkling like precious gems, and wearing a gentle, closed-mouth smile that adds to her alluring charm.

Your hand reaches out to touch the painting when a noise shatters the near-perfect silence, amidst eerie sounds lurking around.

"So..." The man's deep voice began. "This is where you are," Bowser spoke, staring at you.

You turn and see him standing at the bottom of the stairwell with folded arms. "I got sidetracked..?" You try to lie your way out of the situation.

"Looks like it."  He comments, taking a step on the stairs.

"Did you follow me?"

Bowser shakes his head. "Not exactly..." His eyes shift from you to the painting behind you. "I come here when I need a place to think." The man flicks a piece of dust off from his shoulders. "You're lucky I'm so nice. Anyone else, I would've done something horrible to them for trespassing." He chuckles at his statement and then sighs. "You beat me to it; I suppose there's no point in hiding it any longer..."

The New Monarch (Human! Bowser X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now