[47] Change Is Possible

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Daisy interrupts the conversation between you two and displays her concern, "I hate to be a buzzkill, but I don't think right now is the time-." Peach reacts by smacking her on the shoulder, to which the girl responds with confusion, "What?" 

She shakes her head disapprovingly and clarifies, "I think what she's trying to say is (F/n) is right. We'll take a moment to calm down and figure something out. We're not going to solve anything by screaming at each other." Peach steps into the frame. "You two have much catching up to do, and you're free to do so, but just know the Koopa King will pay for what he's done across the lands." She pauses for emphasis before continuing, "And I'd suggest starting to think about what you're going to do, starting with this catastrophe of a 'wedding'." She makes air quotes as she refers to the wedding, then guides everyone away from you and Bowser.

"That was... something." You comment nervously.

"Most certainly." He replies. "(F/n)..." He starts saying, keeping his gaze on you. "I-." 

Without warning, an ominous rumble is felt beneath the feet of everyone present. The ground starts to shake and tremble, causing objects to rattle and sway. The noise grows louder and more intense; the people stop what they're doing and look around in confusion and fear. 

Amid the chaos, Bowser steps forward and calls out to Kamek. "What's going on?" He asks, his voice shaking with concern.

The magician scans the area, his eyes darting around as he tries to pinpoint the source of the uneasiness. Sensing a familiar aura beginning to linger in the air. "I'm not sure, sire..." He tells uncertainly, his voice trailing off as he concentrates on his magic. "A quake?" He suggests tentatively, but his instincts tell him it's something else entirely. Kamek's eyes widened as he realized his magical abilities were failing him, and he couldn't detect what was happening. "No...not something," He trails off, his voice barely above a whisper. "But someone..." Kamek's expression says it all as he turns to look at Bowser, who is watching him closely. 

Bowser's eyes widened in alarm, realizing what Kamek was trying to tell him. "You don't mean-?" He begins, but a giant explosion rocks the area before he can finish his sentence. 

The man springs into action in a split second, using his body to shield you and anyone nearby from the blast. 

Rocks and debris scatter everywhere, and a powerful wave of dust engulfs the area. 

When the dust clears, Bowser and Kamek are shocked to find who stood before them. 

A giant man who towers slightly over Bowser's imposing figure. Looking exactly like him, but with one striking difference - his hair is a deep shade of blue, like the ocean. "Little brother," The man booms in a deep, masculine voice. "Long time no see..."


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