[41] Hummingbird

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On the day before everyone was set to leave the following morning, Daisy took the group on a tour of her kingdom. 

It was a grand and spacious place adorned with gold inside and out, from armor to weapon materials. 

Despite the lavish decorations, everything's arranged subtly and tidily.

The three of you shared a cozy room as the evening set in. 

After a few tense moments, the two princesses finally reconciled, and you sense a newfound understanding between them. They started to see this situation from a new perspective and found a glimmer of hope in it, realizing this was precisely what they needed after a long time. Finding a silver lining that gave them the courage to mend old relationships they once cherished and wanted to keep around for good.

You take a seat adjacent to the girls, pull out your crochet project, and begin working on it with a sense of disinterest. Only continuing to work on it out of a sense of duty to the resources you had already invested: the skeins of yarn, the time spent researching the pattern and practicing the technique, and the physical effort expended in creating it. 

Abruptly, you feel their gaze and look up to see the princesses staring at you, their eyes full of curiosity and interest.

"What are you working on, (F/n)?" Daisy asks, her curiosity piqued as she jumps next to you. After getting to know you better, the princess grew quite fond of you. 

"A stuffed toy I've been working on for a while now," You reply.

Daisy leans in and tilts her head. "It looks amazing! I haven't seen anything like it before. It's turning out beautifully!" She compliments, causing you to crack a small smile.

"Thank you..."

Peach notices your dull reply and sits on the other side of you. 

"It kind of looks like..." Daisy trails off and gasps; she retracts herself from your moving hands, which stops you from her reaction. She places a hand over her mouth and stands up. 

"What's wrong?" Peach questions concerningly. "Call me crazy, actually, don't, but doesn't that look like a turtle version of the Koopa King?!" 

The blonde gets closer and notices this detail. "Oh my goodness, it is!" She exclaims. 

You chuckle nervously and set the toy aside. "The secret's out..." You sigh, glancing at the object. "Peach already knows about it, but since I trust her now, it's only fair to inform Daisy as well. This revelation will help her understand why we're here in the first place..."

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

It was Peach's second time hearing the story, yet it wasn't easy to digest. 

After hearing about your experiences with Bowser, Daisy was left dumbfounded. She left the room for a minute and returned without saying a word, sitting across from you. "What?!" These were the girl's first words for many more. "All of this, and he still claims to like Peach?!" She threw her hands in the air, unable to contain herself, and got up again. "That makes no sense!" Daisy paces around in disbelief. "What a crazy man, besides the obvious supervillain trope." The girl mumbles, staring down at the floor. "I'll give him respect for his motives and doing what he's always done, but that's no excuse for what he has done and will do..."

You can't help but stare at the toy before you; its half-finished state constantly reminds you of your struggles. "I know..." You mumble, your voice barely above a whisper. 

The girls sitting nearby look at you with concern etched on their faces, sensing that something is troubling you.

"(F/n), do you still have feelings for him? And forgive me if this sounds rude, but after everything he said?" Peach gently asks, being careful this time, unlike the first time she asked about your feelings for Bowser. However, even then, she was nice about it.

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