[44] Words From A Fruit

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"You'll stay here, princess," Kamek says, opening the door to a room with only a bed and a desk inside. "Please don't make this more difficult for you or the king."

"I understand," Peach replies dryly, keeping her back to him and sitting down on the edge of the bed.

Kamek closes the door, compelling the girl to breathe a sigh of relief.

The silence lasted for several minutes before a loud knock broke the stillness in the room.

"Come in," She speaks, bracing herself for whoever might enter.

Bowser enters the room, cautious not to bump his head on the way in. "Peaches, you're finally here..." 

The princess tries to control her anger and remain calm for the sake of herself and everyone else. "Yes, and you better keep your promise of not hurting my people or causing any more damage to my kingdom," 

He nods. "Of course-!"

"Good, then there's nothing else to discuss," She states, crossing her arms.

"Uh, listen, about (F/n)..." Bowser starts to say, but Peach interrupts him.

"You made her cry." 

This comment makes him fall silent and listen. 

"It was the first time I've ever seen her like that or anyone for that matter." The girl lifts her gaze from the floor to meet the man's eyes. "She wept as if someone close to her had died." 

Bowser avoids her stare. 

"It seems like she's been holding onto those emotions for a long time, even before she entered your domain. She's tough, but even strong people have their breaking point." Peach stands up and approaches him. "She's genuine, and the only lie she's ever told is about why she was there in the first place. Whether you believe it or not."

He feels a tug at his dark excuse for a heart, blinking a couple of times before shaking his head. "If she's as tough as you claim, then she'll get over her delusions about me-,"

"That's a bold statement," Peach counters. "How about you start with yourself first?" 

This takes Bowser for a twist. "I-I don't-."

"I'm not telling you to return her feelings if you don't feel the same way, but please, for the love of everything that's good and holy, stop pursuing me!" The blonde exclaims frustratingly. "For a long time, I've turned you away countless times, but that's one thing you two have in common. Stubborn and relentless," She points out, making the Koopa King hold back his tongue.

The man clears his throat. "I have something that'll change your mind," He boasts proudly before the girl fires back again.

"What? Two superstars are not going to impress me. Not even if you had all three."

"How did you-?"

"Know? (F/n) told me everything that happened during her time in your home."

Bowser gulps. "Everything?"

The girl nods. "Indeed."

The man's head hangs low, realizing what you may or may not have told your most trusted friend.

"Nothing too embarrassing, though; she's not that cruel. Especially not towards the only man she's ever loved."

Bowser lifts his head. "Really?"

"That's what she said when she had her mental breakdown."

The girl raises a brow. "Why do you care?"

He glances away and pouts. "I don't, I'm just curious..."

She recognizes that face and is immediately reminded of a similar look you gave her. The same intense stare you fixated on her when you first opened up about your feelings for the Koopa King - a confession that ignited a firestorm of emotions. 

Peach wonders if he is hiding a secret and, if so, what it could be. "Do you-?"

"Whatever, just prepare yourself for tomorrow's wedding," The man says, turning away from her. "Everything you need will be sent to you later." He exits the room, closes the door, and leaves without saying another word. Leaning against the door and sighs. "What a day..."

"Sire?" Kamek accidentally startles his master.

"Geez, you've got to stop doing that!" He exclaims, calming down from the scare. "What is it?"

"I'm sorry about that, but I wanted to let you know that everything is set up as we speak."

"Okay, but I'd like some alone time for now."

Kamek nods and bows slightly. "Of course."

Bowser's body is heavy; his mind is weary. 

Craving for a moment of solitude, he wanders to the other side of the ship, hoping to find some peace and quiet. Walking towards the edge, the cool breeze blows against his face. Leaning his arms on the ship's edge, he gazes at the passing landscapes. Noticing they quickly move further away from the Mushroom Kingdom.

(F/n) cried... because of me...

The man thought and closed his eyes.

Unexpectedly, this sensation triggers a memory in his mind. 

When you and him traveled to the Mushroom Kingdom to retrieve your items. 

All good memories, but then are replaced with recent events. 

How you looked when he yelled at you and chased you out, the way you stared down at him when he was fighting against everyone, the way you pushed Mario out of the way to avoid the blast of his fire, the way you patted it out the fire that burned your beautiful dress, and how you stood up to him as a last resort.

Remembering all your features well, there was one specific detail that he missed, one that had been caused by his mistake. 

A scorching steam radiated off your hand, a telltale sign you got burned when you put out his fire. 

The image of you with a burnt hand made his stomach churn, and suddenly, he found himself lurching forward and throwing up over the edge of the ship, overcome by the vividness of the memory.

What was that about?!

Bowser questions, spitting out any remaining traces of food or stomach acid.

Why did I react that way? 

The man pats his face and restarts.

There's no time to think about that.

Not yet.

Not now...


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