[68] Preparation Duration

579 39 14

You travel to the grand ballroom to check the progress of the koopas, who are bustling about, and upon arrival, you observe them as they carefully drape elegant fabrics, arrange vibrant flowers, and hang sparkling lights. Each skillfully tends to their task, creating a symphony of activity.

When you enter, their attention briefly shifts to greet you warmly before they return to their careful work, ensuring that every detail is perfect for the ceremony and reception/afterparty.

The stunning sight is impossible to look away from, leaving you in awe of how everything appears at this stage and filled with anticipation to witness the final outcome.

"Weird seeing other people do stuff for you instead of yourself, huh?" Bowser's piercing voice says next to you as he pops out of nowhere.

You're startled, but rest assured, it's just your husband-to-be. "You know me all too well." You admit, letting out a sigh you were holding in on the count of this spoken fact. 

"Worry not, woman. By the looks of things, everything should be done later today in the afternoon." 

"Sounds like a plan!" You reply, continuing to admire the decor. "Everyone got back to me about the invites I sent out, and it'll be a full house!" You bounce up and down in excitement. "Unlike last time..." You tease while poking his arm. 

"That's great, and yes, I know, you don't have to remind me..." 

You giggle and rub his back. "It's okay, big boy, you're doing good!" 

"Thanks." He leans down slightly and kisses the top of your head. "Are the girls coming over soon?" 

As the anticipation built up, I exclaimed, "Yes! They should be here any minute now-." Suddenly, from the entrance, two feminine voices called out, "(F/n)!" I turned to see that my mere mention of them had unknowingly summoned them. With excitement, we rushed towards each other, almost crashing into one another before putting on the brakes to prevent an accidental collision.

"I've missed you two so much!" You exclaim joyfully while you three bounce up and down. 

"You could have written to us, you know! It's been almost a month!" Daisy puts you in a playful headlock and ruffles with your hair. 

"I know, I know, I'm really sorry!" You admit as Daisy lets you go and Peach quickly fixes your hair. "I've been so busy with everything, but it's all coming along nicely!"

"We can tell!" Peach and Daisy say, gazing around the room more carefully than when they came in. 

"And we brought along someone you haven't seen in a while." The blonde says, motioning behind her and Daisy which they part aside and reveal the toad who was hiding behind them the whole time. 

"Hi, girl!" She exclaims, and your face responds with a wide smile. 

"Toadette!" You crouch down to meet her height and engulf each other in a much needed hug. "Where have you been?!" You question, squeezing her tightly. "Let me guess," You begin, already knowing what she was going to say. "One place to another like always, right?" You two pull apart and with a fast nod and grin, your suspicions were correct. 

"You bet! Farther and greater than before too!"

You laugh at her enthusiasm. "I don't expect anything less." You reply. "But what brings you by to stop your fun adventures?"

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