[20] Lighten The Load

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On the way back to the Dark Lands, Bowser couldn't help but replay King Boo's words in his head. He didn't want to acknowledge he was wrong, but he didn't want to admit he was right.

Kamek and his army noticed their ruler's sour mood when he returned to the airship and didn't bother him on the ride home. 

The man heads to the throne room, where, upon easily opening the giant doors, he's met with you on a tall, steep ladder, dusting the dangling crystal chandelier in the center.

You stop your actions upon hearing the sound of the doors being opened. "Your highness!" You exclaim happily. Your mood boosting even higher than it was before. "You're home early!" You chuckle nervously. "You caught me in the middle of my duties. My apologies!" You say, trying to get into the hard-to-reach places.

Bowser walks over to where the ladder and yourself were. "It's okay, I don't mind." He held the latter steady, seeing it starting to wobble underneath you.

"Great! And before you ask, the Koopalings are out in the courtyard playing with Chompy. They left a few minutes ago."

"Thank you for letting me know." He replies, his eyes glancing upwards, not realizing you were wearing a skirt, and he accidentally took a quick peek before shifting his gaze back down to the floor.

I didn't see anything.

I didn't see anything...

I didn't see anything!

And he was correct.

He technically didn't see anything because you were wearing shorts underneath.

"So," You began. "How did the meeting go? You don't have to give me every detail if you don't want to. I'm just curious."

He sighs. "I'll spare you the unnecessary elements and say it could have gone better if I didn't go. It was a complete waste of time..."

Your hands stop for a second. "Oh, sorry to hear that..."

Bowser shakes his head. "Don't be."

You look down at the man. 

Crouching down, he feels your gaze on top of his head. Looking up at you, he asks, "What?"

You grin. "I'm taller than you~." You tease jokingly.

"Careful now; that can easily be rearranged." He adds, pretending to let go of the ladder.

You panicked briefly and got up again. "Okay, fine..." Your balance was suddenly thrown off while doing so, making you fall off the steps.

Bowser reacts quicker and catches you in his arms.

The ladder fell over completely, causing a loud echo throughout the room. The sound of the flowing lava covered it afterward. 

You breathe rather quickly. The occurrence startling you. You soon realize you were in the man's arms, a hand on his bare chest. As much as you wanted to keep it there, you swiftly retracted it and cleared your throat, unable to look him in the eye. "Thank you, your majesty..."

"Didn't I tell you to be careful?" 

"Yes, I'm sorry..." You pout, keeping your eyes down. 

He lets you down and reassures you. "I'm teasing you. It's fine."

Your embarrassment melts away after that. 

There was a moment of silence between you two. 

It was just a second of not knowing what to do until Bowser spoke up. "The meeting this year only consisted of three individuals, including myself."

You perk up, seeing he would tell you what went down. 

"Because everyone else couldn't attend. Governing their kingdoms and all." He pauses and sighs in irritation. "I happen to be, unfortunately, greeted by King Boo, as mentioned before. And some way, somehow, he's just as annoying as ever. If not worse."

"Sounds like a hassle. Good thing it's a once-a-year thing, then." You comment.

"I suppose. But he pushed my buttons about my plans, Princess Peach, and her kingdom. Not to mention, he brought up you during it. Questioning things that have no interest to him." He sighs deeply. "It got the better of me, and I almost beat him up right there and then." 

He got mad for my sake..?

Bowser turns to look at you, his eyes softening. "Promise me you'll never meet him."

You sigh, then chuckle. "Yes, you've told me earlier-."

"No, I mean it." The man interrupts. "I'm not sure, but it feels like he's planning something. Thank goodness I didn't fall for his tricks of getting more out of me. And even if the old man King Bob-omb had interfered, it wouldn't have made a difference." He rubs his temples and groans, slumping into his throne. "I left before I made a mess..."

"Quite eventful for seeing them only for a short time. I wonder what the normal meetings are like." You giggle, covering your mouth. 

Bowser chuckles slightly. "They're quite show, that's for sure." He glances at the now newly cleaned chandelier, shining brighter than before. "Though, it can be stressful..."

You see him roll back his shoulders. "You need to relax, your highness..." You voice your concern, your tone growing softer by the second. "If you need anything to relieve stress, don't hesitate to ask." You stand behind the throne and place a hand on his shoulder. "I am a servant; after all, I'm here to help." You put the other on his other shoulder. You expect to be scolded or turned away. Instead, his back muscles loosen up on your delicate touch. 

He lets out a sigh. By the sound of it, it was one that he was holding in. "If I let you give me a shoulder massage, will you think nothing of it?" Bowser asks, turning to face you, a stern look on his features. 

"Yes!" You beam. "Say less!" You bounce up and down delightfully. "And I know just the thing for this!" You quickly ran across the other side of the room and dug into your bag, pulling out a bottle of therapeutic mushroom oil from home. Returning to him, you display the item happily at the bottom of the steps. 

Bowser's eyes widen, realizing what you were implying. "Oh no!" He stands up suddenly from his seat, shaking his head constantly. "I did not agree to that!" Folding his arms, he continues to protest. "Now you're overstepping your boundaries if you think you'll rub me up with oil!"

You stand in front of him, blocking his way down. "I'll think nothing of it! Just like you said, I promise!" You grin innocently, wiggling the bottle in your hands. "Please?"

Bowser weighs his options, highly concerned if he were to say yes. 

But you've made it this far without pulling anything sneaky; how could he say no to something that would benefit his well-being? 

With a heavy side, he caves in and agrees. "Fine..." He groans in defeat. "Just this once, okay?" 

You nod eagerly. "Yes, sir!" You approach him until he holds up a hand, detaining you. 

"Not here. I don't want anyone to see."

"Oh, okay..."

He leans down to face you properly, hands on his knees, and says with a straight face. "Let's do it in my bedroom."


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