[55] Game Over

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With the sound of a non-existent bell, the fight between the two brothers begins.

They stare at one another with a burning intensity in their sights. The air's heavy with tension, their eyes speaking louder than words, circling each other at a distance with brutal intent.

The two ran at each other; Bowser closed in through the first few hits, launching a blur of kicks.

On the other hand, Aoi's strike speed is electrifying. Each blow landed with bone-crushing force.

Bowser weaves then dodges, using his fast reflexes to evade his brother's punches. Strikes were precise, aiming for vulnerable points with accuracy.

On the other hand, his brother, a brute force brawler, relies on sheer power and a relentless onslaught. He takes hits like a battering ram but returns them, clinched to overpower his opponent.

Bowser executes a spinning kick that grazes his Aoi's cheek, leaving a crimson trail as he's the one to draw first blood.

In return, he caught his leg and kicked him back with all his might, slamming the Koopa King into the hard concrete floor.

Bowser refuses to give in to the concussion starting to form. Trying to remember what he's fighting for at this moment. Not only himself, his subjects, and his children but you as well.

With a burst of energy, he executes a backflip, landing gracefully on his feet. He launches into a rapid combination of strikes, driving his brother backward and almost making him fall flat on his back.

The fight intensifies with both brothers battered and bruised.

Aoi is relentless, exchanging blows and blocks, aiming for Bowser's vital parts like his face and chest.

Whatever Bowser can't dodge, he receives the impacts with great strength. Slightly reminding himself he's been through worse.

Physically and mentally.

As they're fighting, the Koopa King notices something within Aoi. 

It's like he's slipping; his mind is consumed with the thought of possibly ruling over the Koopa Kingdom along with the Dark Lands and finally beating his little brother.

He charges at him with full force; Aoi thinks Bowser's going in for a tackle when he changes his attack at the last second; he uses his agility to slip behind him and lock him in a powerful chokehold, forcing him to the ground.

The siblings are drenched in sweat and gasping for breath. Both struggling with each other. 

"Give up, and I won't kill you! Don't make me do this!" Bowser struggles to speak with the struggle Aoi is putting in to get out of his grasp. 

At that moment, when death was coming for him, his brother, in reality, didn't want to die, especially not after coming this far and losing to the one person he swore he beat.

The weight of the scenario is crushing him. Yet, he's unable to feel guilt or empathy. He has no choice but to surrender. 

Aoi vigorously taps on Bowser's forearm. "You win..! I give up..."

Bowser immediately lets him go once those words leave his mouth, both panting heavily. 

"What's your secret?" Aoi coughs out, sitting up. "Was it that magician's sorcery? No wonder you won. You wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for him." He sighs. "You hold strength I can't seem to grasp my head around..."

Bowser musters up the strength to stand up and stares down at the shell of his former brother. "There is no secret. He brought me back but did not give me any extra strength in the process, that is all." The man gazes up at the ceiling before looking back down. "And you're right," He pauses. "For once. If it weren't for Kamek, I wouldn't be here right now. I'm fortunate to have him and the rest of the Koopas. But if you want to know this alleged 'secret'," The man squats down to face him properly. "The power of family and love changes you for the better. It gives me strength, knowing I have something to continue for." A smile slowly forms on his face.

Aoi groans in annoyance. "Of course, you'd say something cheesy like that..."

The door abruptly burst open.

Kamek and various soldiers stand there and run towards the two.

"Sire, are you okay?!"

"Yes, I'm fine." He kicks rubble at his sibling and spits on the floor. Wiping off the blood hanging off the corners of his mouth. "Chain him up and keep him contained. But before then, I will ask about (F/n)'s whereabouts. Afterward, keep him stored away in the ship."

Kamek and the others do as told and hold the man who didn't try to resist detainment. 

"Now, where is she?" Bowser asks Aoi harshly.

"This may come as a shock, but she's in the collapsing ruins in the grasslands. Locked away in a cage deep underground. Nothing nor no one is guarding that place since she's rather weak. No surprise she was taken so easily..." He mumbles the last part, thinking he is being quiet until Bowser roundhouse kicks him without Aoi stopping the blow this time, which knocks him out instantly.

The on-lookers stop for a brief moment before continuing to tie him up.

"I'll go alone, Kamek. I'm taking the clown car; there's no time." Bowser runs out, grabbing this cape on the way out, blood trailing behind him, and nearly slipping on it. 

But he didn't care; his only objective was to have you safe and sound once and for all.


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