[27] Groundwork

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"Any idea why (F/n) asked for us?" Bowser questions while walking alongside Kamek. 

The magician shrugs. "No clue, sire. But if I had to take a guess, it must be about the party she mentioned three days ago."

Bowser scoffs. "It better be. Junior's birthday is tomorrow, after all."

The two made it to the doors of the grand ballroom entrance. Another area that was left practically abandoned. 

"Why here of all places?" He asks bitterly, not wanting to open the doors. 

"It's the room with the most space." 

He huffs in response. 

Kamek opens the door for them, and they are met with a transformed ballroom, restored to its former glory from years ago.

The room is immaculately clean, and everything sparkles from top to bottom. The chandelier gleams brighter than anything else in the castle by far. Tables with chairs are arranged throughout the space, and each table is adorned with cute centerpieces tied with colorful balloons. Tassels are strung up on the walls, and string letters are spelled out: "Happy Birthday, Junior!"

Bowser eyes down you and Junior filling party bags with items and candy from afar. Junior looks up briefly, only to look back up again and smile brightly upon seeing his father approach them. "Hey, Papa! Look!"

The man slightly smiles upon seeing his son having a good time. 

"We're giving these out for the party! What do you think?" The boy demonstrates the handcrafted commodities. 

"Wow, they look great!" He expresses, taking a closer look at them. "Did you make them by yourself?"

Junior shakes his head. "Nope! I had help from (F/n)! She guided me through the process, too!"

Your eyes meet his, smiling pridefully. 

Making Bowser roll his eyes in return. "Good she did then." He gave you a light nod. The man motions to you to follow him. 

You excuse yourself to Junior and get up. 

Kamek stays behind to let you and Bowser have some space. 

You two stand under the chandelier, viewing the decorated room better. 

"How'd you do it?" He begins.

"Do what?"

"This!" He comments, arms out in disbelief. "This place was deserted, and now it's grand enough to throw proper balls."

You grin and wrap your arms around yourself, swinging back and forth. "You can say I'm just that great." You praise yourself since you knew Bowser wasn't going to, especially not now. "But I can't lie, I did have help from the Koopas on decorating, and Junior insisted on helping me with whatever remains or what he can assist in."

"That's kind of him. Glad he's like that."

You turn to look at him. "Do you think you had something to do with it?"

The man shrugs. "Hard to say. He's more of a blend of his mother and I. My tough interior with her positive traits..." He trails off, changing the subject. "I hope he stays true to himself. Big and strong like me." Bowser inflates his ego. 

"Don't be like that. You have other positive traits besides being big and strong."

He playfully scoffs. "Like what?"

Light conversations again; don't mess this up! 

"How you care for your kids and the people close to you. You're the type to sacrifice the world for a single person..." 

Bowser remains quiet, wanting to hear what else you thought of him to fuel his esteem more. 

"You have a spiky exterior. One can draw blood from their skin if they get too close, but if that person is brave enough," You smile. "They'll witness a softness under that spiky shell meant to keep out intruders." Your smile bends into a bright grin. "You have a temper, yes. But we all need a trait that makes us a part of who we are." You take a pause. "You can cook too, which is difficult to come by nowadays. And you're nice looking..." You sigh. "That's all I can tell you because I haven't got to know you better." You hand him a piece of fire rock candy. "I can tell you more if I'm still around in the future."

He closes his hand, gripping the candy. 

"Whatever you decide, I'm certain you'll make the right choice, your majesty."

His eyes eased as he came to a realization. 

"(F/n)!" Junior calls out from afar. "Can you help me with this, please?" The boy asks from across the room. 

You peek over to him and wave. "I'll be right there!" You call out, trying to dismiss yourself, but Bowser stops you by grabbing your free arm. You turn to look at him. 

"Um, I'm sorry..." He mumbles. 

"For what?"

"You know what, please don't make me say it."

You smirk slightly as he lets go. 

He lowers his voice to avoid anyone other than yourself to hear. "I'm sorry about being distant lately. I let myself stray away for a bit, and for that, I'm sorry." Bowser's eyebrows, which were once knitted together, fell away. His expression softened. 

He's apologizing? 

"It's surprising how often I get like that, and I don't like how it takes control of me," The man admits shyly. "And when I see Peaches. I act differently. She's so..." He swoons lovingly, remembering his person of interest. 

You place a finger over his lips. "I know. That you don't have to say." You smile through the growing yet dissolving pain you carry. "We can discuss this after the party is said and done."

A light blush spreads across his face. He nods softly. "Fair enough..."

You remove your finger and walk back to help Junior. But before you reach the table and sit down, you kiss the finger placed over Bowser's mouth. 

Butterflies swim around your stomach. 


There's still plenty to do before tomorrow arrives.


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